Bucky Barnes - Protector Part 2

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Lark shot up out of bed. She thought she had heard something in the apartment, but couldn't say for sure.

"No!" a muffled yell came from outside her room.

She held her breath and swung her legs over the side of the bed. The floor felt frozen by the chill night air that nipped at her exposed skin. She couldn't help but think that her satin shorts and crop top were really not what one should wear when confronting a potential intruder,

 She couldn't help but think that her satin shorts and crop top were really not what one should wear when confronting a potential intruder,

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

but she didn't want to waste time rummaging through her suit case.

She hushed her thoughts and turned the door knob slowly, careful not to make a sound. The door swung open and a wave of freezing cold air crashed against her. She peered out into a dark and silent living room, and an open window caught her eye. She cursed her memory, or lack there of.

Bucky goes to bed before me for the very first time, and I turn the apartment into an icebox. Yay me!

She stepped out further and saw an empty kitchen. She started to take another step when an exasperated sound came from Bucky's room, causing her to halt all movement.

Is he being hurt? Should I go check on him? Maybe he's sick. He probably wouldn't want me to come in even if he was. I mean really, how could I help anyways? Ugh, I should just go and see. Make sure he's not being suffocated by a ninja or something.

She tiptoed across the ice cold floor and placed a hand on his door, taking a moment to muster the courage, she knocked lightly and called out his name,

"James? Are you alright?"

"No! Stop it!" another halfhearted plea came from inside. The voice was Bucky's, but he sounded almost scared, which was incredibly uncharacteristic for the calm and borderline brooding man.

"James, I'm worried about you. Are you okay?" she waited a few moments, but there was no response, "I'm gonna come in now, is that alright?" still no answer.

Lark pushed the door open gently. She could hardly see in the pitch black room, so she whispered his name softly, but again, no response came. Tiptoeing to stand by his bedside table, she flicked on his lamp. The dim light was blinding for a moment in contrast to the dark room, but as Lark's eyes adjusted she saw Bucky asleep in his bed.

His brow was furrowed and glistened with sweat, and his blankets had been kicked off. His head was tossing back and forth as his muscles tensed then relaxed over and over again. He was obviously having a dreadful nightmare. The look of terror and helplessness painted on his face was much scarier than any intruder would have been. It was so, incredibly, not like Bucky.

Then a silver shine caught her eye and she noticed his metal arm was fully exposed. He was always very careful to hide it from her, even in his gym close, he never took his sweater off. she looked it over and was amazed by the advanced technology. She had certainly never seen a prosthetic like that before.

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