Spiderman - Possession Part 5

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Peter sat in a rocking chair beside her bed and watched as her body rose and fell with each breath. He was glad to see her finally looking relaxed, and knew that, even if he hadn't known her for very long, she needed someone on her side. Besides, he understood what she was going through, when it came to her sister's death. Peter's parents died when he was young so, like Leo's sister, his uncle Ben had raised him and cared for him since he was very young, but, also like Leo's sister, uncle Ben was killed. Peter remembered how entirely lost he felt after Ben had died, and he'd still had aunt May. Leo had no one.

He wanted to be there for her in any way he could.

She looked so lost and afraid. The death of her last family member would have been enough on her plate, so to pile on top of that, whatever is happening with her abilities was just too much for any one person to handle.

Peter was pulled back to reality when Leo started to stir in her sleep. She was mumbling something unintelligible and her head was thrashing back and forth. Peter jumped up and rushed to the side of her bed. There was an intense heat surrounding her, echoing in waves as if whatever feverish heat inside her was shoving it's way out.

"Leo!" He called to her, but her eyes stayed squeezed shut and her muttering just got louder. "Leo wake up!" He called again and she seemed to hear him, but she didn't wake up. Peter knelt on the bed next to her and ignored the searing heat around her. He reached down and shook her shoulders. "Come on Leo! It's just a bad dream!" He called out to her.

"No, stop it! Please!" She screamed suddenly. Her eyes were still closed, but tears began to stream down her face and her brow crumpled in pain and sadness.

"Leo, please! Wake up!." He said to her and wiped away the tears falling down the side of her face with a trembling thumb. It was hard to keep his eyes open with the waves of hot air that kept pushing him away from her, but he held his ground, sliding his hand behind her neck and gently lifted her to him. He cradled her in his arms and whispered in her ear, "It's just a dream. Come back to me." Her eyes finally shot open and there was a final blast of heat. She gasped, taking in as much air as she physically could, as if she hadn't been breathing for hours. Peter was shaking now as he held her close to his chest.

"Peter?" Her voice was quiet and confusion was evident in her expression.

"I'm here. You're okay." His voice was raspy and low.

"My sister." Leo started to say but she choked up before she could finish.

"What about Camarie?" He asked.

"I saw her die," She said in a breathy whisper, "I watched her die over and over again in my dream." Tears started to gather behind her eyes again.

"How is that possible?" He asked out of confusion, not expecting an answer.

Leo pulled back from him and looked up to meet his eyes, seeking comfort in their warmth, but he had his face turned away and his eyes downcast. It wasn't like him to be so passive.

"Peter what's wrong. Did I do something?" She reached out to touch his cheek and he leaned into her hand as he exhaled.

"It wasn't your fault," he said quietly, "You weren't even awake, so don't blame yourself okay?" He asked.

"You're scaring me." She said. He sighed before lifting his chin to face her directly. His shirt was soaked through with sweat and clinging to his body. His eyes were red and there were bold veins running through them, making him look tired and incredibly miserable. The side of his neck and shoulder where she had been leaning was scorched. The skin was bright pink and there were tiny bits of blood seeping through here and there.

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