Spiderman - Possession Part 3

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Cap finally caved and decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. It took a little more convincing for Tony and Natasha to agree, but eventually they all saw that Leo was genuinely afraid. Peter carried Leo to a much more homely room and laid her down gently on a bed, but he was quickly ushered out of the room, along with the rest of the Avengers, by a very bossy medical professional.

The loud woman had fiery red hair to match her intense personality. She looked hardly over twenty, but seemed to have no problem bossing around the world renowned Avengers.

Leo watched her moving around, grabbing supplies and rolling metal carts over beside the bed. Leo felt very exposed and alone. Even though she seemed nice enough, Leo still had no idea where she was, what she had done, or how she had shattered that window earlier. She felt exhausted, but she knew that she couldn't sleep again after having slept so long before ending up here.

"Alright honey," The ginger woman said in her lovely voice. It had a smooth southern drawl to it and made Leo feel more at ease. "This is not going to be fun I'm afraid. You must have made someone real mad huh?" She asked while fiddling around with a bunch of well packaged instruments.

"Must have." Leo agreed quietly. She was lost in thought when the red headed woman finally plopped down on a rolling stool and scooted up right beside her.

"Lets have a look, shall we? My names Dotty by the way." She said while snapping on a pair of latex gloves. She tugged Leo's shirt up gently and immediately fixed her expression to be serious and unrevealing. She placed two fingers on her first rib and slid her fingers across. She shifted down and did the same thing. She moved down one after the other until she reached her abdomen, then moved to the other side.

"Well hun', you've got five broken ribs on the right under that nasty slice, and six displaced ribs that'll need to be reset. I'm not sure how you were walking afterwards with all of this going on." She marvelled. "You're also gonna need quite a few stitches for the cut. How'd it happen?" She asked.

"I don't know." Leo answered honestly. "I can't remember any of it."

"Well that has got to suck." She stated plainly, it was like she was entirely comfortable around Leo regardless of everyones suspicions.

"Did they tell you anything about me?" Leo asked.

"Of course." She looked up from her work and smiled.

"Then how are you so calm? I would be scared if I were you." Leo said.

"Is that a threat?" The nurse popped an eyebrow in question.

"No! No, not at all." Leo immediately corrected.

"I'm not scared of you because I'm too fascinated by you. As soon as the Captain asked for volunteers to work on you, I was first in line. I'm not much older than you are and while I was watching you in that holding room, you just looked so scared. Now, my momma didn't raise no coward. When someone's hurtin' I wanna help 'em. That's why I'm a doctor and that's why I'm here with you." She said in her sing song voice.

Leo felt tears welling in her eyes. "Thank you." She said in an inaudible whisper, but the doctor saw and nodded in response. Tears began to roll down Leo's cheeks.

Peter's POV:

His back was pressed against the wall behind him as he strained his hearing to try and figure out what was going on in the med room behind him, but he had no such luck. There was a lot of traffic in the medical ward of Avengers HQ. Even though Peter was surrounded by people, he felt very secluded and worried. Cap and Tony had disappeared to figure out what they were going to do next, so Natasha and Wanda were left with Peter to keep an eye on her. Peter was fiddling with his mask and gloves in his hands while his mind raced. He was deep in thought when Wanda rested a hand on his shoulder and snapped him back to reality. She was looking at him with growing concern.

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