Peter Parker - Close Quarters

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Lexie shot up out of bed. She thought she'd heard something in the apartment, but couldn't say for certain.

Until, "No!" A muffled yell came from outside her room.

She held her breath and swung her legs over the side of the bed. The floor felt frozen by the chill night air that nipped at her exposed skin. She hesitated, looking down at her satin shorts and tank top, frowning as she figured they were really not what one should wear when confronting an intruder, but she didn't want to waist time rummaging through her suit case.

She hushed her thoughts and turned the door knob slowly, trying to be careful not to make a sound. The door swung open and a wave of freezing cold air crashed against her. She peered out into a dark and silent living room, and an open window caught her eye. She cursed her memory, or lack there of.

Peter goes to bed before me for the first time ever, and I turn the apartment into an icebox.

She stepped out further and saw an empty kitchen. She started to take another step when an exasperated sound came from Peter's room. She halted all movement.

Is he being hurt? Should I go check on him? Maybe he's sick. He probably wouldn't want me to come in even if he was. I mean really, how could I help anyways? Ugh, I should just go and see. Make sure he's not being suffocated by intruders or something.

She tiptoed across the frozen floor and placed a hand on his door. Once she'd finally mustered the courage, she knocked lightly and called out his name, "Peter? Are you alright?"

"No. Stop!" another halfhearted plea came from inside. Definitely not just sick. She sighed as she thought to herself.

The voice was Peter's, but he sounded almost scared. He was never scared. It wasn't even possible for the optimistic, and brave boy.

"Peter, I'm worried about you. Are you okay?" she waited a few moments, but there was no response, "I'm gonna come in now." still no answer.

Lexie pushed the door open gently and could hardly see in the pitch black room. She whispered his name softly, but again, no response came. She tiptoed to stand by his bedside table and flicked on his lamp. Even the dim light was blinding for a moment, As her eyes adjusted, then she saw Peter sleeping in his bed. His brow was furrowed and beads of sweat had started to gather above it. His blankets had been kicked off and his head was tossing back and forth as his muscles tensed then relaxed over and over again. He was obviously having a dreadful nightmare. The look of terror and helplessness painted on his face was much scarier than an intruder would have been. It was so, very not like Peter.

Only then, did she noticed she was staring at an unconscious, shirtless, glistening man. Not her proudest moment, but honestly, Lexie hadn't realized just how handsome he was. Considering most of the time he was either wearing a mask or that boyish grin of his. It was hard to appreciate his figure with such an overlaying childishness surrounding him.

A deep blush painted Lexie's cheeks as she pulled away from her thoughts, and back into the moment. He was clearly suffering and she hated to see him in such discomfort.

She decided to wake him.

Lexie stepped a little closer and whispered to him again. Still, she received no response, so she spoke a little louder, "Peter you're having a nightmare." No answer, "Peter please, you need to wake up." She spoke as loud as she dared, but he still didn't budge. She stepped as close as she could, so that her knees were brushing the side of his bed. Hesitantly, she placed a hand on his shoulder. Her fingers had barely grazed his skin before his tight fist had closed around her wrist and Lexie yelped as he swung her over him and rolled on top. Her eyes locked with his, then registered his clenched fist raised above him, aiming for her.

"Peter!" She screamed in a final effort to avoid a concussion and permanent brain damage.

His eyes widened as he recognize Lexie and his fist fell loosely beside her. A sigh of relief passed his lips and heavy breaths rake both of their bodies as adrenaline subsided.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" His eyes roamed over her body, searching for wounds, but finding none. Lexie became very suddenly aware of her flimsy clothes and his sculpted chest hovering just above her. She felt her heart beat faster and when his eyes met her's again she could hardly speak. He looked at her expectantly, but her voice wouldn't come. A blush warmed her cheeks once more as his eyes slipped down and settled on her lips for just a moment before he pulled away and she realized how warm he'd been keeping her. He reached a hand out to help her sit up and she shyly accepted.

"You're freezing." He said with concern, "Are you alright?" he persisted. Lexie just nodded her head since her throat was drier than a desert, and quite obviously not going to cooperate. He breathed a sigh of relief and visibly relaxed at her response. "Why are you in here?" he asked as he started to wake fully and looked around at his bedroom.

"You were having a nightmare," she explained and he grimaced as she spoke, "I could hear you yelling from my room, and I didn't know what was happening. It must have been pretty bad." She added, and he broke eye contact, seeming to tense up a bit again.

"Are you okay?" She asked him this time.

He gave a sad, unconvincing smile and nodded. "I'm sorry that I scared you. I didn't mean to do any of that," he gestured to where they'd been lying, "It's just... uh, it's nothing." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Don't apologize. I scared you first. I really shouldn't have even come in here, you just sounded so upset. I tried to call you and wake you up, but you weren't budging." She rambled nervously, "Anyways, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. I'm glad you woke me. I haven't lived with anyone since May, so I didn't know I was talking in my sleep again. Guess I'll have to talk to Mr. Stark and see if he can shut me up." He seemed genuinely embarrassed.

"Oh, don't worry. No harm done, and there's really nothing that can be done for it. My sister used to wake up screaming nearly every night for as long as I can remember. I would just comfort her and ease her back into sleep, but we tried every method of stopping the dreams and nothing worked. She never told me what they were about. I asked her several times and she would just refuse. I think she was trying to spare me, but honestly, her carrying that burden alone caused me a lot more sleepless nights than anything that she could have dreamt up."

"You'd be surprised." Peter muttered as he stared off into space.

"If you ever want to talk about your's, I'm all ears." She smiled assuringly.

"Thank you." he returned her smile just before shivers raked Lexie's body and she tried to play it off, but it was hard not to notice. "You're freezing and exhausted," he said noticing the dark circles under her eyes, "I think you should head back to bed before your lips turn blue."

"Agreed," she climbed out of Peter's bed and frowned as she once again stood on the icy floor. "I'll see you in the morning." She smiled back one last time before closing his door behind her.

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