Quick Silver - Choices Part 3

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Once Lyra and Pietro managed to find Wanda, the three of them headed down to the main hall to face Ultron. The pushed open a set of double doors and walked into a massive, makeshift laboratory, filled with Ultron-like robots, all bustling around. With the big man himself standing at the top of a short flight of stairs, looking over a glass dome with a chair inside and countless wires running up around the legs and into the arms.

"I'm glad you decided to show." his deep, electronic voice echoed in the massive room.

"You didn't leave us much of a choice." Wanda retorted with her entrancing accent.

"Oh, but of course you had a choice." He mused and turned to face them. "You could have run." He said, pointedly looking at Pietro as he did. "Of course you wouldn't have made it far, and we all would have wound up right here anyways, but you could have tried." He patronized them and Pietro found it difficult to restrain himself.

"We thought about it," Wanda admitted, "but why would we run when you can give us everything we want?" she said and Ultron nodded. "I just have one question." She said and took a few steps towards him.

"Ask away." He said curiously.

"What will happen to Lyra?" She asked and Ultron sighed. 

"I do hope you haven't gotten too attached." he said with false sympathy thick in his voice.

"What does that mean?" Pietro asked, stepping in front of her and clenching his fists closed tight.

"Only that, she is here to serve a purpose, and as I drain her of her powers, Ms. O'Hannigan may or may not survive the extraction." He stated plainly and Pietro audibly growled in hatred, but Wanda held up a hand to stop him from attacking.

"Why do you need her power?" Wanda asked. "If it's weak enough that a collar can keep her in check, then I don't see how it can help us take down the Avengers." Wanda purposefully belittled Lyra's abilities.

"The collar doesn't 'keep her in check' Ms. Maximoff. No force on earth could stop her if she didn't allow it to. The collar is designed to weaponize any energy she exudes, and filter it back into herself." He sighed in contentment as he gasped at his creation. "It uses her strength against her, because she is the only one strong enough to hurt her." He said and Wanda looked over at Lyra who seemed lost deep in thought at this new found information.

"I have been stuffed in a cell with a collar around my neck before." Wanda said with rage giving a new and frightening edge to her voice, "I can't take part in putting someone else through the same thing." She admitted and Ultron nodded.

"I thought you might feel that way." He said.

"Why do we need her at all. I had the Avengers right where I wanted them, running scared as they lived out their worst nightmares." She said, trying to offer an alternative plan. "With a little push, I could have them all on their knees." She said.

"You had them exactly where I wanted them. Scared enough to send it the one person who they knew could defeat you." He corrected her. "I don't want the Avengers on their knees Ms. Maximoff." He laughed and sent chills down her spine, "I want them dead!" he yelled and Wanda took a step back.

"Then we cannot help you." She stated plainly and Ultron shrugged.

"Pity. I would have like to have someone by my side to watch the world burn." Ultron sighed and before any of them could do anything, countless Ultron bots had seized them. Wanda blasted off a few of them, but they managed to corner her and inject something into her neck, instantly putting her to sleep. 

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