Spiderman - Possession Part 6

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It was nearly two o'clock in the afternoon when Peter finally came to after the deepest sleep of his life. He rolled over onto his back and hissed in pain as his now bandaged shoulder brushed against his bed sheets. He sat up slowly and stood up even slower as his aching muscles protested every movement. He stiffly walked towards the mirror and his heart sank at the sight of bandages stretching from the base of his jaw all the way to his pelvic bone. He had wanted to go and see Leo right away, but her seeing him like this would probably only make things worse than they already were. He slowly pulled a hoodie over his head and a pair of jeans up to rest just where the bandages stopped.

The sun was streaming in through his window, showcased by the beautiful cloudless sky. Peter basked in it's warmth for a moment, before walking out of his rom and towards Leo's.

Nothing was too far away in Avengers HQ, which now doubled as SHEILD HQ. The old facility was nothing in comparison to the mini civilization that made up their new home. There was a variety of restaurants, a grocery store, flower gardens, a hospital, a massive science lab, and even a bowling alley. All of the luxuries were run by Friday, but only the best of the best in their respective fields were invited to live here with SHEILD, along with every SHEILD agent not out on deployment. It was the safest and most incredibly advanced place on the planet, but even with all of the sights this place had to offer, Peter still wished he could go home, in fact, if it weren't for the sake of being available to work all hours here, he would still be in queens with aunt May and Ned and all of his old friends.

As he rounded the final corner before Leo's room, Peter spotted Nurse James Edwards sitting on a folding chair outside of Leo's room.

"Jimmy!" Peter called him and the nurse stood up to greet Peter.

"Hey Peter." They fist bumped Peter before he lifted Peter's chin and ducked down to see how the bandages were holding up.

"Well doc, am I gonna live?" Peter joked,

"Don't be a such a baby, It was only degree." He looked up once he was satisfied and winked at Peter.

"How's she doing?" Peter asked, seriousness taking over his previously light-hearted demeanor.

"You know, it's funny, the first thing she did when she came to was ask after you." He gave Peter a knowing smile, making him blush fiercely and punch his shoulder. Jimmy laughed and pretended to be sincerely hurt by the playful hit. "She's doing well now. Dotty got her to calm down but then she refused to go back to sleep. Cant say I blame her, considering what happened to you. Wanda came in later and managed to calm her mind and help her focus on good memories. She slept about six hours before She started having a nightmare and vision woke her up. It's much more difficult to injure him so he offered to handle her in the event that things started going south again. She's been up for about four hours now, doing some training with Wanda. She's been helping her cope with her sisters death and the PTSD she has after all of this. Dotty asked me to come keep an eye on her since she didn't sleep a wink last night, she figured Leo would want to talk to me since I worked on you last night, and boy did she ever." He smiled at Peter again, "She was reading in there last time I checked on her."

"Is it alright if I go in?" Peter asked hopefully.

Jimmy pretended to think about I for a minute before heading towards the door. "I think she'd kill me if she found out I didn't let you in right away."

Jimmy knocked on the door.

"Come in." Her voice called from behind the door.

Jimmy opened it and stuck his head in, "Visitor for you, if you're feeling up to it?"

"Of course, thank you." Jimmy opened the door wider and let Peter through.

"Peter!" Leo exclaimed with a wide smile splitting her face. "I'm so glad that you're up."

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