Steve Rogers - The Little Things Part 1

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Lucy's eyes shot open, and she inhaled deeply as if she had been trapped under water for hours.

"You're okay. There's no need to panic." A soft voice came from beside her bed.

Lucy's head spun and she locked eyes with a broad shouldered, blonde man. She hesitated for a moment, before panicking again.

"Where am I?" She asked and tried to sit up, but groaned in pain as a stabbing sensation pierced her side.

"Don't try to move." The man instructed as she lay back into the bed with a whimper, "You were in an accident." He explained calmly, "Do you remember anything?" He asked.

Lucy's eyes grew wide with panic, "No." She said, feeling overwhelmed, "What happened?"

"There was a terrorist attack on Queens Central Station." He sighed, looking down at his hands, "My team and I arrived on the scene too late to catch the people responsible." His jaw clenched as he relayed the incident, "They had used a bio-weapon to all but flatten the entire square. There were seventy three casualties in the attack, and only one survivor from inside the building." He paused and looked up into Lucy's eyes. "You." He said pointedly.

"Me?" She clarified.

"Yes ma'am." He nodded and Lucy's mouth hung open as she struggled to absorb the information. "We brought you back to our Head Quarters so that you could be kept under observation until you woke up." He seemed to reconsider his words, "Actually, we weren't sure you would wake up." He admitted.

"What?" Lucy said and the panic in her stomach returned with a vengeance. "How long have I been here?" She asked.

"Only a couple of days." He said, trying to calm her down, but she shot up out of the bed, fighting through the intense pain in her side.

"Oh, no. No!" She mumbled to herself in between deep and laboured breaths that aggravated her injuries.

"Wait!" Steve tried to reason with her as he raised his hands, ready to catch her in case she fell, but she made it all the way up and headed for the door, "Please, wait!" He called after her as she threw open the door and stormed out into the busy hallway.

"Excuse me, where is the exit?" She asked a nurse who was rushing passed her, and he pointed towards the opposite end of the hall, "Thank you." She mumbled habitually.

"Stop." The man from her room chased after her as she walked briskly down the hall, "We wanted to keep you here a little longer so we could run some tests." He said as he ran in front of her and raised his hands to stop her.

Lucy came to a screeching halt, unintentionally causing her abs to tense up and the piercing pain in her side to return. She winced and held her side, waiting for the pain to dissipate before speaking. 'I'm fine." She insisted, convincing absolutely no one, "I have to get home." She said desperately and the man sighed.

"You really should stay." He pleaded, but Lucy shook her head again.

"I have to go." She repeated and tried to go around him, but he just shuffled to the side and blocked her.

"Why?" He asked suddenly.

"None of your business." She said cooly and tried to move around him again, but he step into her path and, in a desperate attempt to dodge him, Lucy shuffled to the side, but ended up bumping into a woman standing just behind her. The lady spun around and her elbow caught Lucy's side, causing her to cry out in pain and collapse against the wall for support. Her vision blurred with red for a moment before she regained clarity and opened her eyes to see the same man standing very close to her with an extremely worried expression on his face.

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