Chaptet 23

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(Alex's POV)

I woke up with a headache and a girl in front of me.

"Lily what do you want?"I moaned into my pillow

"Breakfast is ready!"she said kissing me on the cheek....Why was she being so friendly?

"Thanks lily.How are you doing?"I said picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder.She giggled and I set her down in the dining room and she ran to her chair.

"Good and I missed are spending way to much time with those boys!"she said stuffing her face with bacon and toast.

"I agree dear,if I didn't know any better I would say that you are dating one of them..Are you?"my mother asked

I had to think about it,yeah me and Liam did coupley things,but he never actually asked me to be his girlfriend.So I guess we're not dating then.If only Liam wasn't shy.Just like Harry's not shy at all!Thats why he asked Deja to be his girlfriend!UGh this is so confusing!

"No mom,I'm not dating any of them"I sighed

"So when do I get to actually meet them.This time can it not be at the hospital?"my mom said.

"Last time I met them I was like crying my eyes out!"lily stated

"I know I know,I promise you will meet them mom...and I promise that you can come to the beach with us or do something with us!"I said to lily and my mom,"oh and mom."

"Yes"she said

"What did u say to Liam?"I knew she said something,but I wanted to know what!

"Oh nothing"she said a little to unconvincing.

"Oh come on mom....I know you said something!"I said making funny faces.

"I know what she said"Lily gave mom a creepy smirk.

"Tell me or neither of you get to see them!"I yelled

"Ok ok!"lily gave my mom a pleading stare and then turned back at me.My mom nodded as lily began,"mom said exactly,'who's Liam...because she's always saying she's madly in love with him'"

My eyes widened and then I turned to my mom.My cheeks were flushed and I was more embarrassed then losing your shorts in gym class!Did she really say that to him?

"Mom.I-is that true?"I choked out,I'm surprised that I can even talk right now.

My mom put her head down and spoke,"yes it is.It is true I'm sorry!"

"So now he knows about this?"I asked breathing a little heavier then usually.

"He could have forgot...and are you ok you look sick?"lily said rubbing my back

"Yeah I guess I'm fine.So this means my days cancelled!"I said jumping up and throwing my plate in the dishwasher.

"Why?What were you going to do today?"my mom asked

"We'll I was going to go hang out with them today,but now it would just be awkward"I said looking down to my shoes.

"Oh you can still go,bring lily"my mom said cleaning up the rest of the mess.

"Ok let me see what there up to,but lily can you promise me something?"I asked lily who was jumping up and down.A little over exited much?

"Yes"she said

"Please don't embarrass me and act like us!"I said pleadingly.

"I promise!Oh and can you invite Deja to come along?"she asked,seance when did she want Deja to come along?

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