Chapter 3

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(Alex's POV)

How could this be happening,pinching your self hardly.

"so....why are you pinching your self?"Liam asked softly.

"ummmm....Wow this is amazing...You really are superman!"I said letting go of my skin.

"Yeah i get that a lot."Liam said fixing his tie and raising his chin.

"HEY KEVIN GET BACK HERE"Louis says while pushing you out of the car causing you to hit the ground

"Louis GET BACK HERE....KEVINS AT HOME."Harry screamed chasing after Louis.

"What was that about?"I asked confused.

"Kevin is a bird...."Zayn said.

"I didnt know you had a bird!"I said.

"WE DONT!!!!"Niall yelled.

"What do you mean?"I asked

"Kevin is a stuffed bird,but Lou...Says he real!"Zayn corrected.

"HE IS REAL"Louis protested.Ugh my sister made me watch there video diaries over and over again.The jimmy was really getting old!

"Lou stop it,stop running!"Harry said.

I looked over to the sound of Harry screaming,"Harry,are you ok?"I said.

"UMMMM...what just happened"Liam asked walking with me over to Harry.

"Well i think i just pushed Harry into the mud"Louis said.

"Damit louis these are my good shoes"Harry rolled his eyes.

I let out a faint giggle and with in the matter of seconds Harry was by my side holding my hand dragging me over to blanket.I turned around to see Liam,looking at him furiously.He looked down and walked over to Zayn who was now trying to fix his hair.


"Zayn...Can i talk to you?"I asked walking over to Zayn.

"Do you need a new hair style...Because I could help you with that?"Zayn asked...oh typical Zayn alway trying to fix my Harry hair!

"No ..."I spat at him

"Then what about?Zayn asked.

"its about Alex"I said.Yes her name was Alex....well I'm guessing her real name was Alexis,but she likes to be called Alex.

"What about her?"Zayn asked.

"I came here with her, and brought you guy,so she could get to everyone...and she was supposed to fall in love with me,NOT HARRY!!!!!"I yelled.

"calm down bro,ill try to talk to Harry a little bit."Zayn said patting my shoulder.

All i see is Alex and Harry slowly getting closer to eachother,simling,and luaghing...I think Zayn sees this too because he got up and yelled"Hey Alex the foods over here!Not in Harry's mouth!"

We all sat down around the basket,I quickly sat down next Alex so Harry couldnt and Zayn sat on the other side of her.But still Harry made his way to her by sitting right across from her,but why would he do this to me,he knew why i brought her here,it was for 1 and only one reason.Everyone was eating exept for Niall,which for him was really weird.Alex kept looking up to see Niall,he looked up and she froze.

"Niall"Alex said.

"Is something wrong Alex?"Niall asked picking up his sandwich,but Alex just made him drop it again.

"Yes!"she yelled.

"Whats wrong?"he asked.

We all got close to her to see what she had to say.

"You arnt eating,you always eat...Why?"she said so confused.

"Well im kind of full and how do you know i was always hungry?"he gave her a cheeky smile.

"well...."she froze for a second thinking what to say"....Ummm..My...My sister..yeah my sister told me!"

"OH well thats nice to know"he giggled.

"Niall is everything all right even when you just ate a huge meal 5 minutes later your hungry again?"I asked.

"Well im sure its nothing..right Niall?"Zayn backed Niall up.Wait what was happening.I gave Zayn a look,but he just brushed it off.

"Right Zayn."Niall said suspiciously.

Well that was weird i cant belive that Niall was full i had to find out why he wasn't eating...i can ask him on are way back to the flat!

(Alex's POV(

The boys were about to go off in the car to bring me home when some one in the woods screamed for help.....Of course like always...Liam was off to save the day,he jumped out from the car and ran off into the woods not knowing what to do i stood there in shock as he disapperd into the dark.

Niall jumped out along with Harry and it was only me and Zyan left... the boys told us to stay in the car.. It was really akward,he was just staring at me and every time i looked up Zayn would look back down qucikly...The boys hadnt seen my eyes yet because I was wearing know because im a monster..i took them off,the limo was dark. Zayn stared into my eyes for along time,then finally he looked down and mumbled"WOW"

"What?"I asked.

"Nothing!"Zayn said quickly.

"You said.....,wow"I said

"Well i would think you get that alot your eyes are gorges!"he said!

"Thanks and i don't get that a lot"I admitted.

"Why?"he asked

"!Well my boyfriend resantly broke up with me and he was a jerk"Atear ran down your face,but Zayn wipped it away and looked into your eyes once more.

"Alex"he said softly.

"Yes"I looked down.

"You deserve someone better he was stupid to brake up with you."Zayn said lifting my chin.

"He didn't just brake up with me though.."I said as another tear ran down my face.

"What do you mean?"Zayn asked.

"Well...can i trust you?"I asked.

"Yes i wont even tell the other boys."he said sounding a lot better then I was about to sound.

"Thanks well,what i meant by that was he kind of turned me!"knowing how he was going to react I hid my face in the seat.

"What do you mean turned you"Zayn asked.

"PLEASE DONT FREAK OUT!!!!!"I screamed.

"I WONT JUST,just lay it on me."

I close my eyes and turned around then turned back with my mouth open and fangs poping out of my gums.

"AHHHHH!!!"he yelled frightened.

"STOP.PLEASE IM NOT GOING TO HURT YOU.....I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE THEM YET...and you said you wouldn't freak out!!!!!!!!!!!!"I said/yelled.

"Well i didnt know you were going to be a vampire."he hesitated.

"WOW."I said amazed.

"What?"I asked,"You look calm!"

"Well i think i trust you."he said suddenly getting a lot closer.

Me and Zayn stared into eachothers eyes for a minute and then we both started to lean in close,now my lips were almost touching his lips.I thought to my self, am i really going to kiss Zayn Malik form 1D...Wait what am i saying there just 5 extremly hot guys with great voices.I leaned in closer,but wothout any warning the door flys open.



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