Chapter 43

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(Alex's POV)

"Look it's that girl again"I herd someone whisper in the corner of ear.

"Didn't she kill Zayn Malik?"another feminine voice whispered.

Wow they are horrible whispers!!

"Yeah I herd that and she tried to kill Niall but he survived"

Okay that hurt!

"Why was she with them?"

"She's not even pretty"

"I herd she cuts her self,I mean why are Emos still on this planet"

Sinkers were erupted all around me,"I just want to escape"I whispered yanking my sleeve down and piling my books onto my desk.

"How you doing?"my boyfriend for about a year now asked.

Yes I do have a boyfriend,yes he knows about my past,and yes he knows about my cutting.

He actually liked one direction too!

I get calls from my parents alot,but mostly I ignore them.

"Fine"I whispered pecking his lips.

Just something about him,well it wasn't like the others.When I kissed,Liam,or,Zayn,Harry,Niall......Jake.....even I really am a slut.

I deserve to kill my self!!

Well even when I kissed them,I felt like a rush go through my body,but with Adam,I just don't feel it.

He has dark brown hair,that is always in a quiff,beautiful green eyes,and tan skin.

He's very fit,I mean I can't believe I guy like him actually likes me!

"You don't sound to fine"he smiled wrapping his arms around my waist holding me close to him.

"It's just,every morning,I get barn boarded with nasty do know I didn't kill them right?"

" sure you didn't babe"

He didn't sound to persuading!

"Class take your seats"my teacher yelled startling the class.

"Bye baby"he smiled kissing me quickly before running to his seat.

(Harry's POV)

"Boy!"the doctor yelled.

Deja looked sad,but then it turned to pure bliss,"Jason styles"she whispered.

"Yes Justin styles!"I reported.

"Ah,so you two all ready have names?"the doctor asked.

"Yeah,it's Darcy if it was a girl and Justin for a boy"Harry smiled.

I wonder if he forgot about out other baby?

"Well I think we're done here,here is your ultrasound"

He handed me a black and white card,and I smirked down at it.

That's my baby!!!

"Here Harry"I said handing the card to him before getting up and pulling my shirt down.

(Liam's POV)

"Liam get a girlfriend,you say you're all alone,but as soon as we suggest a friend you back out"Louis spat at me.

Eleanor sat back watching us bicker,I'm glad she could take us.

"I still love her,I always have....and being with someone else makes me feel like I'm cheating or something"

"Lou don't be so hard on him,he just misses her,and I know you do to"

Lou blushed and backed up sitting on the couch with El.

I didn't true same but with the couch in front of them.

"Sorry"he apologized.

"Don't be"I whispered.

I felt tears come to my eyes once again.

"Please Liam don't cry"Eleanor sighed getting up and coming to my side.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment,"Im sorry I just miss her"

I wasn't sobbing,yet,just tears streaming down my red cheeks.

"I do to...but I understand that you miss her more"Louis smiled coming over also.

"Yeah,I wish I could go see her,but we have the tour coming up"

"Wait Liam isn't the tour in California?"Lou asked.

I saw Eleanor face drop and get sad.

"It is,but that's only once"I sighed.

"At least you'll get to see her"Eleanor smiled even though I could see the pain in her eyes,"ummm....I should go"

"Why?"Louis asked.

"My parents want to hang out today...."total lie!

"Okay"Louis sighed giving her a sweet kiss and a hug.

"I'ma go get her,I think something's wrong"

"She doesn't want to leave you Lou"


"Every time you mention the tour she gets all sad and depressed"

"How do you do that!?"

"Do what?"

"You always know when something's wrong with girls"

"It's a gift"I laughed and laughed to then got up and ran to the door.

"Bye Liam"

"Bye Louis"

The door slammed shut.Alone...

I rested my head on the couch pillow,and cried.

(Niall's POV)

"I know we just met,"I sighed at first scared of what she would say,"but Cierra will you be my girlfriend"

Her smile reached from ear to ear,"of course!"

I sighed in relief giving her a Horan hug,"may I kiss you?"

She closed her eyes and nodded.

I slowly lowered my head down,and moved my head closer.I felt her soft nose was nuzzled against mine.I finally let our lips touch,her lips molded perfectly with mine.

"I really like you"I said in the kiss.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this"she smirked wrapping her arms around my neck.

I would wrap mine around her waist,but with crutches,it's kind of hard.

"I think I love you"I closed my eyes.

She didn't respond at first.Great look what you did Mr.Horan!

I didn't mean to!

Well you did!

"I love you too"

Ahhah who's the fool now!?

You you're talking to yourself...


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