Chapter 46

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(Zayn's POV)

"Zayn why'd you fake your death!"


"Zayn why is your hair blonde?"

"Will you dye it back?"

"I love you Zayn!"


the comments came though quickly.

Paul had my arm as we walked out of the London airport.

Yes I will say,my suicde attempt failed.

But thank god it did.

I just wanted to see her again,just wanted to be with her,but I didn't think it would go this far.

They won't let me see her,they said they are transporting her RIGHT to the hospital.

"Zayn!"Niall,Liam,Harry,and Louis yelled.

Deja,Eleanor,and some girl follow behind them.

"Hi"I whispered my voice barely audible.

"I haven't seen you in over a year,and all you say is hi!"Liam yelled tears in his eyes,"I thought you were dead"

His voice cries carried through the limo.

They all jumped on too of me hugging and kissing and squeezing and loving me.

I finally felt loved again,a rush of happiness peered through me.....and something happened....

Something that hadn't happened in years happened......

I smiled.

"Zayn"Eleanor whispered giving me a huge hug,"thank god you're alive,everyone was falling apart without you"

I could stop noticing the girl Niall had his arms wrapped around and his knee.

"Niall what happened?"

He looked up teary eyed and frowned,"this is Cierra she is girlfriend....and the day you TRIED to comment suicide,so did I"

"Oh wow...."I frowned,"well it's nice to meet you Cierra,uh im sure you know me"

She nodded shaking my hand,"it's a pleasure to meet you Zayn"

"You to"I smiled,"now can we get to the hospital....I must see her!"

Deja smirked,"yes please!"


Wow this chapter is short.

I'm so sorry!

Lol jeez you guys probably hate me!

But here you go,11 chapters left!

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