Different (A Liam Payne love story)

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Different(A Liam payne love story)

As i walked out my door to go to school,a black van slowed down near my house.When a black van comes close to you,it usally means no good,So as soon as the bus stops at my house I jump in and run to my seat where my friend Deja sits.

"Omg Alex whats the rush you look scared?"Deja asked.

"Well I kind of have the feeling that im being..you know..Watched!"I responded.

"Alex dont be silly,im sure no on is watching you!"

"Then explain that black van."

Deja looked out the window and there is no black van,I looked with her and see nothing there.I think to myself it it was there a minute of ago.

"Alex,sometimes i worry about you"Deja laughs.

"Yeah i feel the same way about my self"

During school I couldnt help but think about what happend this morning,I knew I saw the van,but where did it go..it completly dissapperd.

After school I decided to walk home with my boyfriend Jake.

"I want to take you some where special tonight."he smiled.

"Why cant we go now?"I asked.

"Well i dont like to be in the sun to long i get sunbernt real easy!"

"ok well pick me up?"


I got home and the house was a mess,but no one was home I thought to myself this isnt happening it wouldnt be this trashed.My mom hates messes!

"Hey honey do you know where your sisters one direction album is?"mom asked.

I laughed"Not a clue."

"Your sister completely trashed the house."

"I can see,"I mumbled,"...Mom wheres your car?"

"It's getting washed"

"Sis did you see my one direction album...I BET YOU TOOK IT!!!"lily screamed running down the stairs.

"Are you kidding me,I would never and its just another stupid boy band!"



"GIRLS STOP Yelling!!"mom intruded.

"Sry mom.."me and lily said in unison.

"Mom Jake is going to pick me up at 7:00"I smirked.,

"That boy is so weird and make sure your back by 11:00.Also no funny business."mom laughed.


"Hey he's 17 you should know by now what they want..."

"Don't worry mom,I promise!"

When Jake picks me up its a little after 9:00.I are wearing a nice dress that goes down to my finger tips,hoping he will like it.As he opens the passenger car door,I quickly slip in a question.

"Why did it take you so long to get here?"I asked knowing his house was right around the corner.

"Why are you so pushy..what do you think i was with another girl or something?"!

"No sweetie i was just asking."

"Besides i was going out for a bite."

He grinned at me,but I just turn my head wondering what that meant.


"So here whe are!"

"Where are we?"I asked looking around.

"Its called..'Make out ledge'"

I swallowed hard,"What!"

"Oh dont worry."

He leaned in,but I jump away.

"Whats wrong" jake says.

"I dont think im ready,i just met you last week."I responded.

He grabs me.I let out a faint scream but realized no one is there to help me.He jerks me closer to him then he pulls back my head and all i see is fangs sliding down in his teeth...I let out a louder scream,but before I can try to run he sucks the blood right out of me,pushing me out of the car and dropping me on the side of the street the last thing I remembered hearing is him "saying im braking up with you" then a pile of dirt flew into my wound as he races off.

I tried to yell for help,but no one heard me.I struggled to keep my eyes open because of the pain,but I know the pain is whats keeping me alive and,I know that as soon as I close my eyes I'm gone.But the pain is to strong and I've lost to much bloode.I stumbled to the ground head first and fell unconscious.

Sry this was a short chapter,just wanted for you guys to get a little of whats going on and i will post the next one probably tomarrow....DO you think some one will find her coment below!!??

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