Chapter 53

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(Eleanor's POV)

I was a bit nerves calling Brett,but I finally pulled through and he actually picked up the phone.It wasn't a shocker that he picked up,but I haven't seen him,or talked to him,in a long time .

Our conversation went a little like this...

"What's up stranger?"

"We have a problem"



"I'm on my way"

It was very quick,but it was terse.Im glad I didn't have explain everything though.

He should be here tomorrow sometime...he doesn't live to far away,maybe four hours.

Now all I have to do it wait for hope to come!

(Cierras POV)

"Niall...I love you"I laughed kissing his cheek.

He chuckled along with me,"love you to princess,wanna go get some ice cream"

"Niall...we just ate!"

He blushed nodding,"I know"

I nodded as well,"sure lets go"?

He grabbed my hand,tugging me forward and near the huge signs saying "Ice Cream"

I smiled at him as he bent over the counter,practically drooling for it.

"Babe,"I laughed,"she needs her personal space"

He blushed and backed up,scooting away from the girl at the counter.

"Sorry"he whispered to her,she waved him off and handed us are ice cream.

We walked away and we stepped off into a new part of the mall.I dragged Niall past the food court,we all know how bad he wanted food,even though he cried and begged for.

"Niall where are we going?"I asked curiously..

"Somewhere special...."he winked,but i didn't understand what he meant,until we came across a very pink slutty store....Victoria Secret.

"Pig"I rolled my eyes walking into the store.

This will be fun.....Not

(Deja's POV)

Harry was driving me back home when all the sudden I got this sharp pain in my lower stomach.

It was around my uterus,maybe even lower than that.

It didn't feel normal at first,I was having my regular contractions,but they were more frequent.

Something wasn't right,I couldn't be giving birth though.My water hadn't broke.

"Harry,can we...oh god....can we go to the hospital please!"I was having trouble talking.Every time I moved my muscles to talk,a shocking pain would pop down there.

"Why love?"he asked worried,turning around the car very quickly,I think he could tell it was an emergency by the look in my eyes and the way I was holding my stomach,"are you giving birth?!"he started smiling,"OMG IMA BE A DAD!"

"Harry!"he looked at me quickly,"drive!"he nodded and began driving on the high way again.

Oh gosh,I got to call everyone!

(Zayns POV)

Everything was going great,until we got a call from Harry.He sounded like he was in a rush,something had happened,we don't know if it was good or bad.

He told us he was in the car with Deja when something happened and she turned white and he drove her to the hospital.

I believe there was more to that story,but I'm sure he was just to panicked or excited to tell anymore.

By the way he was talking,I could tell he was pulling on his curls.Harry always did that when he was nerves.

We were all currently in the hospital,we couldn't go in the room with Deja,something about only family.

It was weird,we were her only family.

"Alex...May we speak to you?"a weird looking doctor thingy came in.I don't think it was a doctor though.

Alex looked around with a frown,"yeah I guess"

She got up and the doctor garbed her hand,Alex was hesitant at first.She backed up and took her hand away,but then she got a bit closer and continued walking.

"Guys,does anyone know where she's going?"I asked curiously.

" actually..."Liam pouted.

In a rush,Eleanor,Louis,and Brett came thrashing through the door.

"We came here as fast as we could"Eleanor rushed out of breath,"what's going on?"

"Deja...might be going into labor...."Niall said still chowing down on is ice cream.

Cierra through her wrappers away and hurried back,as soon as Niall said "might".

"Might!?"she yelled,"how can you not know?!"

"Well Harry hasn't come out yet,something about him not being able to go back in the room"Niall summed it up.

"So...uhh,"Brett scratched the backing his head nervously,his brownish blonde hair was flicked out of his eyes by his index finger.He smiled slyly,"where's Alex?"

I rolled my eyes causing a frown from everyone,"she left with some doctor....Why do you care!?"

He took a step back and looked down,maybe what I said was a bit rude,but I'm sick of everything,everyone.

"I'm sorry,but I just wanted to know if she was safe"his hands went up and his face turned innocent.

"Sorry"I mumbled getting up,"I'm gonna get something to eat...Niall?"

Before I could even tell him what I was gonna say,he was in front of me running down the hall.


(Alex's POV)

I was in the room with Deja and Harry.She was giving birth!

I wanted to know what it was so bad,they told me I already knew,and the doctors wouldn't believe that I was in a coma and I forgot have,or all,my life.

I'd just find out when it was born!

I kind of blurred out the screaming and all that,even though I barely remembered Deja,I knew she was my friend,and I couldn't bare to see y friend in that much pain.

I wonder how much it did hurt though.

(Liam's POV)

I held him in my hands.He was beautiful.

(Harry's POV)

I was the first to hold my baby boy,I can't believe I....we made this!

(Louis' POV)

I watched as Eleanor held baby Justin,she smiled down at him and then looked up at me.

I could tell what she wanted as soon as her eyes met mine.

We both wanted the same thing.And I was going to give it to her.

(Nialls POV)

She looked so beautiful holding him in her arms.I know this may be wrong,but some where deep down,I love her still.

I don't know how,but I do....even though I'm with Cierra!

I just don't know what to do anymore.

I love Cierra (I think) but I LOVE Alex.....we've been there for each other forever.

But Cierra would be so sad if I left her,and well I'd be sad if I left her too.

I do love Cierra!

And that's final,but Alex will always be deep in my heart.Deep.

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