Chapter 20

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(Liam's POV)

We stood there in shock,Alex just sat up from, her hospital bed and gasped.Then she fell down,like nothing ever happened.

I tried to speak,but nothing came out.

"Does anyone know what just happened?"Louis asked,thank god he broke the silence!

"No,i'm not seeing things right?"Harry asked putting his hand through his curls.

"Nope,i saw it to,I'll go get the doctor......again!"Zayn yelled running out the door taking a left,I'm guessing he's going to the elevator.

"Deja are you ok?"Niall asked waving his hand in front of her face,popping her out of her trance.

"What?.Oh yeah,just shocked i guess"She said sitting down in one of the very uncomfortable chairs.

I stared down at Alex,well she still laid silently.If she awaken's i want to be the first thing she sees....well beside light.

(Zayn's POV)

I ran out the door for the second time,I'm really getting tired of this!I pushed the button in the elevator,it went down and then a loud ding rung in my ears signaling that the doors were about to open.

I walked out the elevator not looking outside the huge windows,there were fans screaming my name and licking the windows.

"Ewww.Don't do that!"I yelled,"They are probably dirty!"

I think they heard me b/c they all backed up and whipped their tongues on their shirts.I walked over to the lady at the counter,this time it was a different girl and allot prettier!

"Hello"I said touching the counter

"Do you need anything Mr.Malik?"She asked...wait how did she know my name?

"How do you know my last name....May?"I said looking at her name tag

"My daughter loves one direction!"She said

She has a kid?She didn't look that old!

"We need a doctor in room 312 again!"I said suddenly remembering what just happened.My heart raced,my blood pumped loudly through my veins.Was Alex going to die?

"Yes.Right away"May said

I went back to the elevator and again pushed the button.The doors dinged and i walked back into the room.Everyone was standing around her bed,expect Deja,she was still sitting in the chair.

"Hello.What happened this time?"The doctor said grabbing his clip board and fixing his glasses.

"This may sound weird,"Liam started,"But,well we were all standing around her bed and she kind of sat strait up and whispered something.....then she went back into her comma.I guess"

The doctor didn't have a confused look on his face.Did he know what happened?Well of course he had to know he was a doctor,this had to of happened before.Right?

"Oh i see.I think i have either good or bad news"He said

"Bad?Good"I asked confused

"Well this could either mean something good happened to her or something bad happened to her"He said checking his clipboard again.

"well can you tell us what this could mean?,"I asked,"Good or bad news?"

He walked over to Alex and checked her pulse.When he was done he nodded and looked up at Deja.He gave us a confused look,but we just brushed him off and gave him that 'continue'look.

"She either could be suffering from nerve damage or the good news she could be awake.She could have just been dreaming"The doctor said looking at the little screen that had her heart rate.Still beating,thank god.

"Well it look likes she is very ill.Maybe she will fight this,but most likely she wont"

What did he just say?Why wont she make it?She made it last time?What DID JAKE DO TO HER?

(Liam's POV)

Oh god,why did he say that?He's making my heart explode from my chest.Did she really have to end like this,with no goodbyes,no last kiss....NO SHE WILL NOT DIE LIKE THIS.I'M NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT.

Wait,sense she isn't really alive,does that mean when the doctor said she was dead,would she really be alive?Or would she dead?

All this stuff is so confusing.What did i put my sled through?

I stared down at her beautiful face noticing every little feature.I turned around saw Louis outdside hugging some random girl,and Harry holding Dejas hand skipping up and down the halls.

Something started to beep.The beeping noise rung in my ears,the sound was unbearable.

About 10 doctors came running in and told us to get out quickly.I tried to move as everyone ran out of the room,but my legs weren't working.I was completely glued to the ground,they put a bunch of tubes and wires into her.How could she be fine one minute then horrible the next?

Before i knew it,someone had grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the room.They pushed me down into one of the 6 seats.The seats were in a row,in front of them is a dark wooded coffee table with lots of magazines.Some even had us in them,i was surprised that Zayn wasn't admiring him self in the pictures.

"Louis who was that girl you hugged?"Niall asked finally breaking the cold silence.

"It was Lottie"He said putting his elbows on his knees then his face in his hands.

"What did she want?"Harry asked

"She wanted to know if.Ummmmm......Nothing,she wanted to know nothing.Just checking up on Alex"Wow nice save Louis

"O-"Niall was cut short in his sentence when the doctor came out,he had a miserable look on his face.He had blood on his shirt and sweat on his brow,he sat down in the seat in front of us and put his hand on my lap.He took off his gloves one by one and then lowered his mask,that covered his mouth,down to his neck.A long,loud sigh escaped his lips.

We were all silenced waiting for the bad news.I knew what he was going to say,but he just sat there staring at me.

"I'm sorry.We tried to do an operation,but something went wrong"He sad lifting his hand from my knee.

"So are you going to do another operation or is she better now?"Deja asked

"Well that's the thing..."He didn't speak for awhile,"She didn't make the operation.Im sorry.but Alex is......Alex is dead"



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