From Blush to Kiss (Zuki)

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A/n I decided to continue that Zuki one-shot with a sort of part two that also leads into the Love Pentagon one-shot. So here we go!




This whole "being there for her friend" thing was becoming increasingly difficult for Suki. The more she comforted Zuko in times of stress (he'd been getting frustrated very easily lately) the harder she found it to stay faithful to her boyfriend. She was drawn to him for some reason. Maybe it was his troubled past.

Or maybe he was just hot.

I sound like a bad romance writer, she thought to herself.

Knock knock the sound rang out from her chamber door.

"Come in," she called. The door opened, and the Firelord entered.

"Hey, Suki," he said, a sheepish smile on his face.

"Hey Zuko. What's up?" She asked. Zuko found his shoes very interesting. Then, with a deep breath, looked up to face her.

"Look, um, there's something I need to tell you. Something, I've wanted to say for awhile now."

There was a pause. Suki raised her eyebrows expectantly.

"And that is...?" She asked. Zuko sighed.

"I like you. A lot. And, I know I shouldn't, after all your my best buddy's girlfriend. But, I don't know, I just feel... connected, I guess? Like there's something between us. I'm not sure how to word it. I just feel-"

"-A spark?" Suki finished for him. That seemed to be the word he was looking for. He chuckled.

"Yeah. I just didn't want to make a firebender pun." He took a step closer. They were only about a hairsbreadth apart now.

"We shouldn't," Suki told him, leaning up.

"It's wrong," he agreed.

And then their lips met.

Their lips weren't the only things to meet. Zuko's fingers met Suki's hair. Suki's hands met Zuko's waist. Zuko's arms met Suki's back as he wrapped them around her to pull her closer.

Knock knock went the chamber door. The pair jumped away from each other.

"We can't be caught like this!" Suki whispered frantically. Zuko glanced around the room before his eyes settled on the bed. They exchanged a look and the message was clear. He climbed under the bed while she straightened her tunic and hair to the best of her abilities and soon after opened the door.

"Sokka! It's you!" She cried. Zuko silently cursed. Of all the people, it had to be Sokka. "Sorry it took so long to open the door, I kinda drifted off while polishing my fans." She said.

Nice save, Zuko thought. But just as he was beginning to think they might get away with this, a tickle came to his nose. Oh no. Zuko squeezed it shut and held his breath, but he couldn't hold it in.

"Achoo!" Came a poorly muffled sneeze from under the bed. Suki's eyes widened. Sokka's narrowed. Zuko's clenched shut in a so close expression.

"Is there someone in there?" Sokka asked. Suki shook her head, a little too quickly.

"Nope. No one." She answered. Sokka raised an eyebrow, pushing past her into the room. He squatted next to the bed and peered under it. The Firelord came face-to-face with a slightly less angry than expected Sokka.

"I don't believe this!" He shouted. Zuko blushed.

"Hi, buddy." He mumbled. Sokka turned back to Suki as the Firelord crawled from under the bed. The two of them stood with their heads down, cheeks red. Suki thought they must look like children caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

"What were you two doing?" Sokka asked. They felt panic well up inside themselves. Zuko was about to come forward and confess to kissing his friend's girlfriend, but Suki spoke first.

"It was completely by accident, Sokka, you have to believe me! Zuko was upset so he came to talk to me and stuff happened and we kissed," she explained, taking a deep breath at the end of her statement and waiting with a look of anticipation. Sokka glanced over at Zuko, who decided that studying his feet like he'd noticed a stain on his shoe was a pretty good idea.

"Well, as awkward as this is, it's about to get worse," Sokka said with a deep breath. Zuko looked up at him, confused. "I actually came to break up with you."

Suki didn't react for a minute. Then, ever so slowly, a sad look creeped across her face. Zuko wanted to wrap his arms around her and make her feel better.

"So we've come to that, huh?" She asked. Sokka nodded. Zuko looked back to his shoes.

"I'm sorry, Suki. It's just, the distance is kind of driving a wedge between us. And um, I'm kind of starting to like someone else."

Suki nodded. She understood completely and let him know. They then said their goodbyes, and Sokka was on his way.

"You alright?" Zuko asked once he was gone. Suki didn't answer, instead opting to sit down on the bed and cover her face with her hands.

Not knowing what else to do, he sat down next to her and wrapped his arms around her, as she'd done for him countless times.

"It'll be alright, Suki. I may not be good with inspirational speeches, but I know it'll be okay. You'll be fine."

She leaned her head on his shoulder, and he tightened his arms around her. He knew it was probably shallow for him to see this as his big opening, but he couldn't help himself. Maybe once Suki recovered from this, the two of them could be a thing.

Zuko looked down at her. There were small tears streaming down her face, though not as many as there would be if she were absolutely devastated.

Until then, it was his turn to play the confidante.

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