Becoming Parents (Makorra)

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The sky was a beautiful shade of blue, the sun was up, and the birds were chirping. All in all, a lovely day.

So why did Mako feel like he was going to be sick?

"Hey, it'll be alright," Korra said, closing her hand around his. "We're two of Republic City's greatest heroes, we can do this."

Mako didn't see what being "Republic City's greatest heroes" had to do with parenthood, but he faked a smile anyway.

A few weeks prior, Korra had begun to feel sick. Then she'd skipped a period. Knowing full well what this could mean, she'd sent Mako out for a pregnancy test, which after lots of nervous pacing and fear and having to convince his wife to actually take the test, Came back positive. After a momentary period of excitement, Mako's stomach began it's somersaults and hadn't stopped since. Now the couple was driving to the healer's office to confirm what they both deep down already knew.

"What if they tell us we aren't parents after all?" He asked. Korra raised an eyebrow.

Yeah, he thought that was a dumb statement too.

One car drive and what seemed like an impossible wait later, the Avatar and her husband sat in a stark white and sterile-smelling healer's office, shocked despite the fact that they knew this was coming.

"Congratulations," the healer said, showing badly yellowed teeth that made Mako glad the man hadn't gone into dentistry. "You're pregnant!"

They sat in silence for a good ten minutes before Korra suddenly jumped up, screamed, and wrapped her arms around her husband's neck.

"Oh my Raava oh my Raava oh my Raava Mako we're parents!" She squealed, squeezing every last breath of air from his lungs. Mako couldn't help smiling as he returned her embrace.

"Yeah, baby, we are."

And as he took a knee and pressed his forehead to her belly, a sense of pride washed over him, instantly calming his flipping stomach.

Maybe being a dad wouldn't be so bad after all.

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