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BEAU POV          

I was nervous out of my mind, what if he didn't except me as his sister because I took too long to come to him. I decided to wait until Sunday, because I needed time to prep myself. Trill decided to come with me, I only let him come because I didn't want to overwhelm my brother, and his name is Pharaoh. (PIC IN MM) Trill ended up spending the night with me, so he could drive. I rolled over and face palmed with Trill's chest. Groaning I sat up and pulled myself out of his embrace and walked to the bathroom to shower. After 20 minutes of cleaning myself I walked out in my towel and woke trill up. He went and hopped in the shower. I went to the closet and decided on some acid washed high waste jeans, a plain white long sleeve shirt to tuck in, a cheetah print scarf, and some brown Areopostale uggs. I lotioned down and started getting dress, as for my hair I added some curl enhancement and wore it with a part to the side. As for my face I just added some nude gloss. About 20 minutes trill was ready in a long sleeve red shirt, some camo skinnies, and all whit forces.

  When I walked downstairs my dad was sitting at the counter eating cereal while looking on his phone. We still ain't talking. I went to the kitchen and grabbed two Gatorades. He looked at me the whole time and didn't say shit. As I was walking out the door I heard him say I love you, I nodded my head at him and continued out the car.

"Now you know you could have acknowledged his effort baby" Trill said opening the door for me.

"He doesn't get to decide when he wants to start talking to me" I said closing the door. Trill shook his head and went to the other side. It took us about an hour cause Trill ole simple ass didn't want to use the GPS. When we got there it looked nice from the outside. It was a huge pink building with plants all over, you could see the tennis court, basketball court, track, and pool from the entrance. We walked in hand in hand in the building. It was a little old lady about 75 years sitting in a chair by the door. She just stared out the door, we walked further and it was a desk with a middle aged white woman looking through some files, she looked up and smiled.

"how can I help you guys" I smiled back.

"im here to visit Pharaoh Mill" her eyes got big.

"really, he's never had a visitor, nice fellow. I personally don't think he belongs here, I think he deserves a chance at life but no one has ever came to check him out" she gave a sad smile and asked for our ID and gave us passes. She told us where he should be and we proceeded to go. The place in the inside was nice and clean. It didn't look boring for sure.  We kept looking until we found the rec room, when we opened it everybody was in there. People were playing on game system and some were sitting playing chest. I went to a lady in a nurses uniform.

"Hi im looking for my brother Pharaoh Mill" I told her. She nodded and pointed at a table. There were about three young boys sitting at a table, looked to between 20-25. We walked over there and they were laughing about something. One of them looked up and tapped the others to look at us.

"hello pretty lady my name is Carl" He said, he was really short and you could hear the slowness in his voice.

"Hi carl, I'm Beau. Can you help me find Pharaoh" I smiled shaking his hand.

"He should be out in a minute" carl said sitting back down we pulled up a chair and sat with them. About 15 mins later a rather tall guy came and joined the table.

"Morning y'all" he yawned. Carl smiled really big.

"RORO you got a guest" carl said pointing at us. We starred at each other, then all of a sudden he got up and stormed back to the direction he came from. I hopped up and follow him. I saw him go inside a door and slam it. I sighed and went to the door. I knocked and heard him throw something against the door.

"GO AWAY" he screamed.

"I cant do that" I whispered against the door. I heard him sigh.

"you look just like her" he said. I heard his bed move, so I took that chance to go in. he was sitting on the edge of the bed with his back facing me.

"im sorry I didn't come sooner" I said walking towards him.

"yall left me in here all by myself for 20 years. The visits stop coming once I turned 15. She didn't give a shit about me cause I was different. The dumb ass bitch thought I was retarded or some shit, I'm dyslexia not stupid. I don't want no sympathy from you so just leave" he said swatting me away.

"im not leaving, its not my fault. I didn't know I had another brother out there, but im here now and wanna make things right. I don't want you to be alone." I sat next to him. "My name is Beau Daye" I said looking at him. He was very handsome, about 6'2 nice build.

"I know who you are, she was so happy when she had you, she brought pictures of you and I was happy to, then its just like she stop coming. She hid me from the world, so she could start fresh with your dad" he put his head down.

"I'm sorry. I don't know where that oh so loving mom went but she left me for dry too, she had me kidnapped and raped for some money. But Im stronger than that now, and so are you. Cause all we've been through has brought us together and I wont let you go." I looked up at him.

"I've never met you but I do love you" he said standing up and giving me a tight hug. "you don't understand how long I've been waiting on this" he said in my hair. Things just felt so right. I pulled away from him.

"So do you think they will let me check you out" I asked looking at him.

"I can check myself out, I just never had anywhere to go" he looked down at me.

"Well pack yo shit, we out this bitch." He smiled and went under his bed and grabbed a big duffle bag. He just started throwing shit in there. I laughed and helped him. I went to a book and he snatched it from me.

"girl be careful this my supply" he said opening the book and showing like 3 blunts. I died and came back. Yea this my brother. We laughed. He grabbed his stuff and walked out the room with me trailing him.

"wait I gotta go get my boyfriend." I told him walking to words the rec room. I went in and saw Trill talking to Carl and the other guys. Then they all started laughing. I walked back over to the table and tapped Trill's shoulder. He looked at me and grabbed my waist making me sit on his lap.

"everything good" he asked. I nodded.

"yes, he's coming with us today" I said putting my head in his shoulder.

"iight lets go" he said standing up. "iight yall hold it down" he said dapping them up.

"are you gonna come back" carl asked him.

"man imam come back just for you, here's my number, call anytime" he said giving him a piece of paper. I smiled at them and grabbed trills hand and walked away. we went to the front and I seen Pharaoh signing some papers. He smiled at the lady and turned to us. I grabbed his hand and we walked out the front.

"RO this is my boyfriend, Chance this is my brother Pharaoh" I said smiling. They looked at each other sizing each other up. Wtf.

"man nice meeting ya" Trill said smiling dapping him.

"same here man" Ro laughed dapping him back. I was clueless.

"okay how bout we go get some breakfast I said hopping in the driver seat. Trill helped Ro put his things in the trunk. We decided to go back to my side of town to eat breakfast, we decided on eating in the mall, so Ro could shop around. I had no problem sporting him until he got on his feet, which would be some in my line of work. We went to Starbucks and got muffins and coffee. I let trill and Ro go there way, I went to forever 21, I also called everyone and told them the news. I made them set up a party tonight at the club. I did a little shopping and, and made my way to foot locker to cop a few shoes. I needed trill ao he could help me with some of these damn bags. I walked in and seen them looking at shoes. They looked like best friends. I couldn't help but smile. I went over to the kids section and picked out a few shoes. 

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