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its been two days since Chance has been in the hospital. Yea i call him Chance sometimes, he told me he likes it when i call him Chance. I havent left his side not once. i made my dad bring me some clothes. when i told him we were dating, he slapped Trill in the back of the head and made us break up. then he made Trill ask for his permission first. After he granted Trill permission He asked me out again. i couldn't help but laugh at the full 15 mins we broke. it made me happy to see the hurt in his eyes when my dad made him break up with me. i knew what he was doing cause he always does it. 

  Today is the day there letting him out today. its 8:30 am, we were gonna go to school but Trill hasnt made up his mind yet. 

"baby can u button this up for me" Trill asked. i nodded and went in front of him to button up his pants. the arm where only one bullet hit, is about healed. so they didnt make him cask it or put it in a sling. "thanks baby" he pecked my lips,

"your welcome boyfriend" i smiled. he pecked my lips again and then my forhead. "did you really have to jock my style" i asked with a giggle. we both had on white skinny jeans, with heat jerseys, and red chucks. he laughed and mushed my head.

"shut up nigga. u know you like looking like daddy" he laughed walking out the room. i grabbed my purse and followed him out. i slapped the back of his head and ran to the elevator. he ran after me but as he was about to catch me the elevator door opened causing him to run in and slam into the wall.

"fuckk" he hissed. i ran to his side and helped him stand up straight.

"omg baby are u okay" i asked in a panic. he pushed me against the wall and kissed me. 

"i am know" he smirked. i rolled my eyes at him and went to press the lobby button. "you mad" he asked grabbing my wast with his one good arm. i didnt say anything i just crossed my arms over my chest. "baby im sorry" he whined. "please baby i was just pl-" i cut him off with a kiss.

"gotcha" i winked at him and walked out the elevator and put a little extra bounce in my step. he caught up to me and wrapped his arm around my waste. we walked out of there looking like fucking boss's. we got in my car and we started our way to school. i already knew we were late. but i really needed to get there. i havent been in 2 days..

"where we going" he asked.

"school" i said relaxing in my seat. i could feel him starring at me. "what" i asked glancing at him.

"i like to watch you drive. you drive like thug" he chuckled.

"i am baby" i said. he nodded his head and we rode to school bumping all 'Migos' music. 

   when we pulled up we hurried and got out cause the school was transitioning to the next class. we walked in kissed and went to our next class. for me it was gym. i didnt have gym clothes, so i didnt have to go to my locker. i already know ima have to deal with Trey today. i havent told him yet. i walked in and everyone was walking back to the lockers. i took that time to go talk to Trey! i walked up to him and he smiled at me.

"he good" he asked.i smiled.

"yes.. but Trey i gotta tell u something" i said looking down. he lifted my face up and looked in my eyes. he starred at me then his eyes flashed hurt and anger. he dropped my chin and backed up from me. 

"this some bullshit man" he said through gritted teeth.

"im sorry" i said TRYING to touch his shoulder. he jerked away from me.

"FUCK YOU MAN" he yelled and threw his clip board down and stormed away into the boys locker room. im guessing to his office. i wipped the one tear the slipped. i went and sat on the bleachers. about 3 mins later everyone came out the lockers and the boys told the girls Mr. Sage said that it was a free day. 

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