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Its been two weeks we've been in the hospital. its been fun cause Roshane be sneaking us in the ristricted parts. he even took us to the morge. They said Beau's stitches are healing faster than they've ever seen. Lion keep telling her she got a alien pussy. but she should be getting out tomorrow. Cash still been planning her party which is next week.

"alright yall ima head out, my shift over, and im beat" Roshane yawned. we all said our good byes and he left.

"come here" i said to Beau. i pulled her on my chest and carresed her hair. i heard her sigh then soon after her small light snores. soon after everyone else joined her.




"Okay Ms.Day, your all set to leave" the doctor said handing her some papers. she didnt even say thank you she just rushed out the door, i couldn help but laugh and so did the doctor. i ran after her and we stood outside waiting for Roshane to bring his truck around. he off today so he chilling with us. 


I cant even express how happy i a to be out this damn hospital, i didnt say byr. i just ran out. Roshane decided to pick us up since he had a big truck. when he pulled up i was amazed. If you aint know roshane you would think he was straight. he hopped out his white on white Expidition looking like A1. he had on khaki joggers and white aztec wife and brown aztec wife beater and some tims.

"damn nigga you look good" i smiled hugging him. he did a spin.

"girl i know, now lets go. i dont like being here when i dont have to be" he rushed us. we all got in and took off to my house.

"so i think we should go shopping for your birthday outfits" Cash suggested.

"im down i just need to go home and change cause im not walking round the mall in sweats" i said. about 20 mins we pulled up to my house and TRey's car was in the drive way. 

"Trey here?" Trill asked.

"yea thats his car" he nodded and we walked inside the house. 

"hey yall" Trey said sitting in the living room.

"hey nigga, what you doing here" i asked.

"i knew you were coming home today so i stopped by... wassup yall" he adressed everyone else.

"iight we going to mall, you sliding" i asked.

"yea im down" he said, everyone went and sat in the living room while i went to change. i washed up then put on a long floor length loose fitted black skirt, a white net crop top and i left my hair down and put a flower band around the crown of my head. as for shoes i put on some gold sandles. i put on some light pink stip and grabbed my purse and went down stairs. i gotta buy a new phone too, cause they fucked my shit up. Bitch ass's. i walked down stares and we all headed out the door.

"okay black kids. dont fuck up my car cause i fight bout my baby" Roshane said pulling out the driveway.

"shut up nigga" lion said, and we all laughed. i swear they like bestfriends, always fighting. about 30 mins later we pulled up to the mall. Cash grabbed my hand and we walked in. all the boys were behind us. 

"so where to first" i asked CAsh.

"umm idk how bout the gucci store" she suggested.

"uh noo, i dont wanna wear gucci, i wanna look cute not regular" i laughed.

"how bout Diamonds(made up)" Shane suggested.

"ohh yea thats my fave store." i smiled. we all walked to the store, but i realize Trill kept starring at me and everytime  would catch him he would wink at me, causeing me to blush and look away. we were in the store for about an hour. i didnt let anyone see my outfit not even cash and shane. afterwards we shopped around a played around right now we're in the food court waiting for lion and Shane to bring back the pizza's.

"i love you" Trill whispered in my ear out of no where. i looked at him and pecked his lips.

"i-i lo-" i was cut off by lion.

"pizze time" he sang sitting down. i looked at Trill and he had a big smile on his face. i playfully rolled my eyes and we started eating.

"today was very good dont you think" Cash spoke and every one nodded there heads.

"so um what time my birthday party starts" i aksed.

"7 its at this big ass hall about 45 mins away.. i gotta just get a Dj and we all set" she said.

"one of these girls i used to fuck with got a brother who Dj" Shane said. we all snapped our heads towards him.

"girls" lion questioned.

"yea nigga, sometimes i want pussy shit" he rolled his neck. i couldnt help but laugh. god i love his crazy ass.

"nigga why you aint tell me you like pussy... aye we can take him to the strip club with us tonight" Lion said. i could see TRill shooting daggers Lions way. lion realized it and he coughed.

"i meant bible study" he said stuffing his mouth with pizza.

"hmmm the strip club huh... you wanna go Cash" i asked her.

"really" Trill asked.

"yea why not i been in a hospital for two weeks. i wanna get out" i smiled. he smiled and kissed my forhead.





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