Child Support

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Peter Stuart
The past few weeks have been the happiest for me. Sophia and I have been spending quality time together. We made love one month ago and I can't get my mind off her. She seemed a little distant after, she even said she needed some time off work because she needed to reflect.

There was so much going on in her life it was mentally draining.

I told her I love her. I do love her. She makes me happy. She brings out the best in me. I'd love to spend the rest of my life with her. Yes she has a beautiful daughter that if she were to accept me, I'd treat as my own, together with the rest of our children. I just can't wait for that side of life.

She's one of the few I've fallen for. But the love I feel for her is different, it's stronger. And I want her to be mine. Mine alone. Which is why I'll fight any competition until I have her to myself.

Lorenzo has been causing a lot of chaos in her life as well. Adding on to her stress. I want to do everything in my power to get rid of him. He's really powerful which will make it really hard. I don't know how I'll do it but I will.

He usually pops up at my company to see her and Kiara but mostly Sophia. He insists that he's there to see Kiara but even he knows he's using his daughter as a pawn. One to get closer to Sophia. Sometimes when Rosella visits Sophia and Kiara, he comes to pick her up.

I know Sophia still has feelings for him even if she tries to deny it. But I'll be the reason why she moves on.

I gave her advice to let Lorenzo see Kiara from time to time which she does but not without a fight.

In this last month, in the process of their arguments, baby Kiara's arm was almost burnt while fighting for her. The other incident, involved Kiara being fed something she was allergic to giving her a rush and a fever. Then to top it off, just last night, she was almost drowned.

She was rushed to the hospital on all three occasions. Sophia would be uneasy every time I see her at the hospital with Lorenzo just seated next to baby Kiara holding her baby hands. This time is more serious because she's been having difficulty breathing and so she has oxygen tubes through her nose and a drip on her little arm.

I got it.

If I report this to child services, they'll probably see that all these problems began after Lorenzo walked into their lives and they'll make him stay away. Make him disappear for good. Obviously he won't try to fight or protest because Sophia made it clear she doesn't want him being all mafia around her and her kid.

"Hello, child services, I have something I'd like to report...."

Sophia Mendoza
I'm pacing around the hospital room thinking to myself how I let this happen. I'm not careless and non of this used to happen to Kiara before... well before Lorenzo showed up.

I look up at him and see him holding on to her hand, obviously for show, while doing something on his phone. I can't believe him. He almost killed my baby.

"Lorenzo, this is getting out of hand." I literally sob out making him look up. "You have to leave my life, can't you see you're killing me, Kiara is all I have, she.....she's my only family, why do you want to take that away from me?"

"Sophia, I didn't mean to cause you pain, I don't want to take her away from you, I think we just need to reach an understanding, something that works for the both of us, she's my daughter too so I'm not going anywhere." He replies calmly.

"Why now though? why do you step in to play father now?"
"Sophia." He says defenseless, desperately. Just then, a tall slim lady walks into the hospital room with some files. She's brunette and looks like she's in her late fifties.

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