Seized by the Mafia boss

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Picture of Lorenzo Gabriel Jose, the Mafia Boss.

Sophia Mendoza
"What do you mean you want me?" I ask with hate evident in my voice.

"Just that. You're coming with me." He replies nonchalantly.

The audacity.

Coming into our home and making such outrageous demands.

"No! Please, don't take her. I apologize on her behalf. I'm sorry she reacted the way she did but please don't take her away from me. She's all that I have." My mother kneels in front of me pleading with the mafia boss.

"Ma'am, please get up." He says nonchalantly again.
"Please Sir I beg you." She cries out still kneeling as I sit behind her, speechless and honestly scared.

My heart pounds against my chest knowing very well that if the Mafia boss wants to leave this house with me, he definitely will. That's also the reason mother is so emotional right now.

The Mafia boss always gets what the Mafia boss wants.

"Antonio." He calls out to one of the guards standing behind him to help mother get up from her kneeling position. The guard roughly takes mother's arm and forcefully helps her up.

"Hey!" His boss calls out to him. "Are you okay ma'am?" He asks walking to her acting like he has a heart. Is he trying to mock her? I feel my heart get heavier by the minute like it's going to explode with rage.

"Get your filthy hands off my mother you bustard and don't you ever think you can lay a finger on her again!" I yell at the guard rushing to take my mother from him and his boss.

I help her sit back on the sofa and wipe the tears off her cheeks. "And you," I point at the mafia boss. "You're completely out of your mind if you think you're leaving this place with me. You have no right to treat people the way y'all do. You're a pig! In fact you all are! Filthy pigs!" I yell in anger with tears rolling down my cheeks.

The Mafia boss chuckles and walks back to where he was seated. "You can make this easy or difficult, but best believe the result will be the same, we're leaving this place together." He replies unaffected by what I just said to him making me feel so frustrated.

"Okay, since you insist on wasting my time, when you're ready to leave," I say after a long pause, helping mother up. "There's the door." I point at the entrance as I start to walk mother to our room.

I hear a snap of fingers and hear footsteps heading our direction. When I try to turn to see what's going on, one of his bodyguards places a white handkerchief over my nose and everything goes dark.

I wake up from drug induced nap, eyes blurry with the air thick like I have a blanket covered over my face. I sit up and cough out in pain as the effects of whatever I was drugged with hit me.

Someone taps my back continuously trying to help me. I shake them off me not giving in to their help even though I feel like I'm dying. When I feel more relieved, I sit up and feel my head spin. Those fucks did this to me. I swear they'll pay.

I sit with my elbows leaning on my knees as I'm bent over trying to recover from my coughing session.

It's evident we're in a car moving, probably going to the Mafia's place. The thought of it makes me sick to my stomach. I can't help but feel so bad and wonder what they did to my mum. If they hurt her before kidnapping me, I'll kill them if that's the last thing I do.

I sit up and look to my left. It's him.

I feel my heart burn with anger and disgust as he sits there in sunglasses, laid back and nonchalant as always.

"Here. You'll feel better." He hands me a bottle of water. I take it from him, open it and take a mouthful and soon enough spitting it in his direction.
"You sick fuck!" I yell splashing the rest of the water in the bottle at him. "What did you do to my mother?" I yell.

He takes his glasses off and uses a handkerchief from his jacket pocket to wipe the water off his face. He chuckles as he does so.
"I have to admit, I didn't think you had it in you." He replies taking his jacket off as its wet.
"Tell me what you did with my mother! And where the fuck are you taking me? Are you going to kill me?" I yell at him feeling so frustrated before he cups the lower part of my face with one hand under my chin. He forcefully brings my face closer to his and takes a long pause before speaking.

"Look. There's only so much I can take of these your tantrums you stubborn little girl, you don't want to see me lose my temper, I swear to you." He says ever so calmly like he's not threatening me. My heart pounds against my chest as I look into his brown eyes which makes a shiver run down my spine.

"You don't get to ask the questions here, so just sit back and calm the fuck down." He says still tightly gripping my jaws. I use both hands to get him off me but fail miserably until he voluntarily let's go of me and leans back with his nonchalant expression plastered on his face.

"I'm not a little girl." I say to him as I put myself together. "I just graduated high school for heaven's sake, put some respect to my damn name." I keep muttering under my breath as I fold my arms and furrow my eyebrows. I'm so upset that I want to hit him over and over but I'm also upset because I'm scared of him.

I wake up when I feel someone's arms wrapped around me as they walk into some building. I didn't even realize I fell asleep in the car ride here. I look up and see its the Mafia boss lifting me bridal style. "Put me down!" I hit on his chest until he finally does. "I can walk on my own." I mutter still feeling drowsy. I pull my shirt down and stare at him as he shows me the way, waiting for me to walk.

We're at a really huge mansion which is heavily guarded. It looks like a castle if you ask me. I wonder what we're doing here. Is this where he's going to kill me from. When we enter the mansion, I'm truly dumbfounded at how big and beautiful this place is.

"Welcome to the Mafia's mansion." The mafia boss speaks.

It's nicely furnished, looks very fancy and expensive. I look around, shock evident on my face. I've never been to such a place before. I see a lot of people moving around, cleaning and all that. Maids in uniform. Men in black suits just like the ones his bodyguards from before had on. I bite my lower lip failing to believe I'm here until my eyes land on him after which I release my lip.

I relax my face and shoulders and clear my throat. I fold my arms and try to act unaffected and he notices. He seems very observant. After I break eye contact, he leads me up the stairs with most of his workers greeting him and him just nodding in their direction. We get on the desired floor and stop in front of one of the many doors.

When he opens it and waits for me to enter, I'm yet again in shock as to how big this room is. It has dull colors, a huge bed in the center, two open doors, one leading to the bathroom and the other to what seems to be a walk in wardrobe.

When I'm done staring as he stands a few inches away from me in the center of the room, I begin to feel a little nervous. Why does he have me here, in a bedroom, alone. Is he going to take advantage of me? My heart starts beating faster as I look up at him. He looks into my eyes like he's trying to read my thoughts.

"This is your room." He says to me after a long pause leaving me shocked.

My room?

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