Birthday surprise

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Three weeks later

Sophia Mendoza
"How do you feel today?" Lorenzo asks handing me a cup of tea.
"Much better as compared to last night." I reply. I have been sick for the past week. I don't have an appetite, the few times that I do eat, I can't keep the food down plus my joints hurt.

Lorenzo only found out yesterday when I threw up in front of him. I wanted to hide it from him because he gets really paranoid over such.

"Don't worry about me babe, today is all about you, happy birthday." I smile brightly at him and he returns it with a smirk.

I spread my arms for a hug and he leans in. "Thank you princess, but that's no excuse, I'm taking you to a hospital." He says breaking the hug.
"Come on, I'm fine Consuelo."
"Nope, I'm not hearing any of that." He replies getting up from my bed.
"Okay, okay, I'll see a doctor, right here though, the doctor here will probably do a great job."
"Sophia." He looks irritated.

"Babe, please. I don't want to go to a hospital. Tell you what, if Doctor Jones checks on me and finds there's something wrong, we can go to a hospital." I tell him. He doesn't seem to be for the idea a hundred percent but he nods.
"Thank you." I say sitting up to kiss his lips. He deepens the kiss, bitting my lower lip and pulling me closer to him. I feel drained and can't stay in this position any longer. I then break the kiss and lay back down on the bed.
"That's it, I'm getting him in now." Lorenzo says after noticing what happened.

Lorenzo calls Dr Jones and he knocks at my room door. Lorenzo and I are cuddling with my head on his chest while he has his chin on my head, caressing my hair with his warm hands.
"Enter." Lorenzo replies
"Good morning Mr Jose, Ms. Mendoza." Dr Jones says closing the door.
"Good morning." I reply faintly while Lorenzo doesn't reply. As usual.

Dr Jones places his bag on the table near my door and wipes his sweaty hands on his lab coat. He seems naturally nervous and very clumsy.

"Sir, you called." He nervously looks up at Lorenzo. Lorenzo and I share a look silently wondering what's going on with the doctor.

"Ah yes." Lorenzo says clearing his throat. "My girlfriend here needs a medical check up, she.." He tries to finish but receives a call. He grabs his phone from the head board. "Excuse me, I have to take this." He says before picking up.
"Yes.....why?" He says in quick succession over the call. I have my eyes closed, trying to control my headache when he slightly moves my head.

"Babe, I have something I urgently need to attend to, are you going to be fine if I leave?" He asks in a low tone so I'm the only one who gets him.
"Yeah, go ahead." I mumble.
"Sure?" He asks and I nod. "I'll be back in a bit." he says kissing my forehead.

It's been atleast twenty minutes since Dr Jones started with the tests and he's been quiet the past ten. He got a sample of my pee which he's testing for whatever reason.

"How far?" I ask just wanting to have some rest.
"Almost done ma'am." He says.
I close my eyes for a bit.

I've been so weak of late.

"Uh huh! Just as I thought, it's good news Ms Mendoza." Dr. Jones says. I open my eyes and look at him confused wondering what type of good news can come from me being tired and sleepy and vomiting and feeling.......waiiiiiitt... I widen my eyes. "The tests came back positive." He smiles
"Positive for what?" I ask hoping it's something different from what I'm thinking.
"Pregnancy, you're pregnant Ms Mendoza, congratulations." He says happily
"Pregnant? This can't be, but I, no, the contraceptives?" I ask sitting up

"It happens sometimes, maybe you forgot to take a pill or an injection perhaps." He says confused, probably wondering why I'm not as excited.

I shake my head. "That's  impossible." I reply with tears pricking my eyes. I'm not sure I'm ready to have a baby.
"It does happen though, perhaps a wrong contraceptive was taken." He explains packing his stuff. "And besides, it's a blessing in disguise, babies are blessings, I bet the boss will be happy to hear the news."

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