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Picture of Antonio, Lorenzo's bodyguard

This little brat gets on my nerves like no one else does. Today is the day that I fulfill my promise. I'm always just scaring her, maybe if I do it, I'll earn her respect.

Truth be told, since that night I fingered her, I can't get my mind off how tight and warm her cunt was. I had to wait for her to provoke me the most and use that as an excuse.

I rip off her clothes and mine too and immediately enter her. She looks like she's in so much pain but I'm too taken over by lust and continue pounding into her. I cuss at how tight she is. She rolls her eyes and faints.

I  feel a little guilty but I can't stop. I position her properly on the bed and continue to rape her. I am a devil. I know. It's not too long before I release inside her and cuss continuously. "Fuck yeah!" I yell before collapsing on top of her.

After I get out of my daze, I get back to my senses and look at Sophia.  I soon realize how much trouble I've put myself in. There's no escaping this. She has a purple bruise on her face where I hit her, her hands and neck as well, she's a mess. I know Lorenzo will kill me if he finds out I did this to her. I know he cares because he doesn't act with anyone else, the way he does with Sophia.

She's his little bitch and he'll kill me.

Ever since she came, he misses some of his whore sessions which never used to happen before. He doesn't yell at her as much anymore, he hugs and kisses her forehead regularly and me having spent as much time as I have with him makes it very easy for me to notice. She's changing him even if she's not trying at all.

I get into my clothes not minding how I tore them. I then leave her a note threatening her and run out of her door, checking if there's anyone in the hallway. When I don't see anybody, I run to my room. I get into different clothes and pack what I'd need for sustenance and head out of the mansion, ignoring any questions I get.

Lorenzo Gabriel Jose
I get up at 8AM which is quite unusual. Without anything else I enter the shower knowing if I delay, I'll be late for my meeting which is in an hour.

It's unlike me to be late for important things. I guess things about me have just changed. I go for weeks sometimes without my whore sessions, I don't yell and get unreasonably angry with people. It's like I'm changing bit by bit and I don't like it. I don't like change and I try my best to resist it.

I have to be cold, if I'm not, who's going to rule as the greatest Mafia King there is. Who's going to make important changes and decisions and produce the most efficient illegal goods. Every time I think about it, I kill.
Because that's what I do.

That's who I am.

I'm in New York for two days with William and a friend Jesse. We're here to attend a meeting which I called, as usual. I'm supposed to call the meetings and have my people make the plans for me. I'm filthy rich.

There are many other people here, dangerous men and a few equally dangerous women. But I'm the fucking boss. Although I have to admit. I miss already miss Spain. And that's because I left my newly established source of happiness there. Sophia.

I hear screams upstairs in one of the rooms. I worry about Sophia but then I can't do anything in fear of Antonio. Lorenzo is the leader, a very fierce one, but I know he has some good in him somewhere.

Antonio on the other hand is a full blown beast. I don't understand why we have such human beings on earth. He keeps abusing the young ladies sexually even when they weren't employed for him. Most of them are forced to do things they don't want to with him because he threatens them and beats them up if they do not obey him.

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