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Lorenzo Gabriel Jose
I'll inflict the same amount of pain on Antonio, that he caused on my Sophie. I place her on the bed gently not knowing what to do. I rush out of my room in panic and call one of my guards to bring Elizabeth up here immediately.

She comes upstairs in no time. "Yes sir." She says not looking up at me.
"Look at her." I say walking to the door and closing it to ensure that no one else sees me in this weak state. Elizabeth walks to Sophia, trying to observe her.

"This is all my fault!"  I cry out pacing around the room. "She's so innocent and look what he did to her. I would've protected her, I should have protected her, I should have known" I say with tears falling freely down my face. I've never felt so much pain and sadness in my heart. Ever!

"Maybe I shouldn't have even brought her here in the first place." I say sitting on the edge of the bed besides Sophia. I take my hair back with one hand while the other is on my lap. My right foot is shaking vigorously.
"No, no, don't be like that. Everything happens for a reason." Elizabeth says as calmly as she can trying to wake Sophia.
"What possible reason is there behind this" I say looking down at Sophia with pity.

"Let's not talk about this now, but you'll see it soon my son. Let's just focus on her health. What exactly did he do?" She asks.
"He raped her. That animal." I say letting the words just come out calmly. The images flash through my mind again. Of him on top of her. Inside her. The tears keep falling.

I get up and punch the wall as Elizabeth hurriedly checks Sophia's body. She uncovers the sheet and gasps. "Oh sweet Jesus, again, he did this again. She's covered in so much blood." She says. The word again roams through my mind.
"Why didn't you tell me about it the first time it happened, I had every right to know damn it!" I yell turning back at her. She's also sobbing probably at the sight of Sophia.

"She insisted on us not telling, please don't get mad. What on earth did this poor little girl do to deserve all this." she sobs out. I have to be the man here. No matter how hard it is, I hold the tears back.
"Please get Martinez." I tell Elizabeth softly.
"Sorry sir, but the doctor was found dead in his house this morning."
Fuck you Antonio.
"Okay then, we have to rush her to the hospital. Please get me Martin and Pedro." I tell her. She nods and rushes out. I caress Sophia's cheek and pull her hair into a better bun.

"My princess, even when you're unconscious you're still drop dead gorgeous, a goddess. I swear I'll make him pay." I whisper.
"Sir, you called for us?" I hear Martin speak. I nod my head in response. I get up and face them after making sure I dried my tears.

"You, get me a dress from Sophia's wardrobe and you go get the cars ready, we're going to the hospital." I say and they both nod and walk away in a rush clearly understanding the gravity of the situation.

Martin soon after that returns with a long navy blue dress that I struggle alone to put on her. I don't want anyone else to see her naked.
I then pick her up bridal style and rush out of my room. Martin stands by the door and offers to help but I brush him off. Other guards offer a helping hand as well but I brush them off too.

"Martin, Pedro, Luis, Dante, Alejandro and Gustavo come with me, the rest of you, clean this mess up before I return." I say in a loud but defeated voice. I feel like Antonio literally grabbed my heart out of my body, hung it on the wall and stuck a thousand knives through it.

I place Sophia gently in the back seat and rush back inside. "Elizabeth!" I yell out and she comes running. "Come with us." I tell her and she nods taking off her apron.

I enter the car placing Sophia's head on my lap. Elizabeth enters the other side placing Sophia's feet on her lap. The car is big enough that there's enough space left between me and Elizabeth. Tears prick my eyes again. The fuck. I've lost it. I can't be weak. Especially not now. I have to be strong. "Let's go." I tell Pedro and he immediately starts driving the car with Martin in the passengers seat. I can tell he's driving as fast as he can.

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