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Lorenzo Gabriel Jose
"Paris!?" She asks in shock and excitement like a little child, eyes big and bright. I remember her saying nice things about it when I went on a trip there.
I nod in response.
"Yes Paris. Let me spoil you." I reply.

"Of course!" She squeals and jumps into my arms. I'm taken by surprise but easily manage her weight. She has her legs wrapped around my torso and her arms around my neck. I support her with a hand on her lower back. She shifts in her position and gets down. The towel around her head drops in the process exposing her natural curly hair. She looks really beautiful with it like this. This is my favorite hairdo on her even though she doesn't seem to like it. I love it.

"I'm sorry." She says taking a strand of the many strands of hair off her face. I take a few steps towards her and remove the remaining strands off her face tucking them behind her ear. She looks up at me angling her neck and I smirk down at her. She's really short. Maybe 5'2. I'm not sure if that's an accurate guess but she seems so small. I love how she fits in my arms when I hold her.

"I have to go shower." I interrupt the awkward silence. She looks at me with a happy face and nods. That's how she deserves to be. Will was right. I walk two steps away from her and turn for the door. I stop before I leave the door. "I'll get some of the maids to help you pack a few clothes for the first few days we'll be there, we'll get the rest when we get there." I explain. "That's after breakfast." I say and walk out. I head to my room and get ready for breakfast.

When I'm done, I walk downstairs in a suit and find Will, Angela and Sophia chatting and laughing at the table. I smile to myself genuinely feeling happy. Maybe this is how it should be. I notice a light purple bruise on Will's face and feel a little guilty. When I get to the table they all look up at me. I maintain a straight face and take a sit.

"There he is, finally." William says mockingly. I don't know how he still manages to be happy after everything that went on. I don't like the fact that they went a little quiet when I walked in, I feel a little guilty, maybe I do act like a beast.
"By the way, what happened to your face William?" Sophia asks concerned and I get nervous. I don't want her to look at me like some beast that gets violent for no apparent reason.

"You know this mafia business can be a little challenging, it happened last night with all the commotion outside, remember?" He lies
"But you didn't  have it this morning." Angela comments and immediately seems embarrassed by her comment. But we all know they've been hooking up.
"Well, my skin is funny like that, shall we dig in?" He replies. I feel bad. I shouldn't do this to Will. Most of the times I hit him, it's for things like him messing business up or when he gets irritating drunk but that rarely happens and this time I hit him for being honest.

The maids come in and serve us. I look in Will's direction and nod and he does the same. It's like an apology and a thank you and he gets it.

There's small talk on the table, I look up at Sophia and she looks so happy with her best friend. I can't really eavesdrop because they're on the other side of the table. "What's on your mind Mr Jose?" Angela asks after a while of silence.
"Please, call me Lorenzo." I correct. She nods and corrects herself.
"Well I was wondering if you and William would like to tag along with Sophia and I". I see from the corner of my eye William's surprise and Sophia's excitement but my eyes are fixed on Angela who's eyes tear up a little from a little fear maybe.

"Where to though?" She asks.
"What?" She asks excited.
"What?" Will asks lowly in shock.

Sophia smiles brightly and that melts my heart.
"Yes, Sophia and I are leaving for Paris today, would you like to come with us?" I more like state looking in Will's direction.
"Sure," he replies "you know Will never misses on an adventure."
"I'd love to go to Paris, the city of love." Angela says in excitement. I look in Sophia's direction and find her eyes on me. She seems very happy. I'm glad she is.

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