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Lorenzo Gabriel Jose

All I've been thinking about since after Antonio. I mean I used to from the start but even more after I saw what Antonio did to her. I can't bear to see her like that again. I realized I'm falling deeper than I thought.

She's crowded my thoughts it's like I can't think straight anymore. When I see her it's like the world is on standstill. I can't let anyone hurt her, I won't. She's mine. My Angel. My princess. My light, because she brought me out of the darkness. She hasn't realized her effect on me. Maybe I don't show or say much but she's changed me.

When I saw William kiss the back of her hand and the smile on her face in appreciation, I realized I don't own her but I don't want anyone else around her, I don't want her to be stolen from me. She's mine. Mine alone.

"Sophia seems upset, what did you do this time?" William asks as the girls go down the elevator.
"It's the  fact that I'm not coming with you guys."
"Then come with us."
"You know I can't."
"The more you resist, the more you fall." He says raising an eyebrow. Sometimes I don't even need to tell him about some things, he just knows.

"Either way Will, I'm not supposed to be soft, especially not over a girl and you know that."
"But you deserve to be happy just like everybody else and you're supposed to make her happy. Your switching up shenanigans aren't cutting it."

I look the other direction trying to think. I'm still not sure I should go. But it does seem like I'm hurting her. That's the last thing I want to do. I want her to be safe and happy. "I want her to be happy." I shrug my shoulders in defeat.
"And you're not helping or working towards that. It's clearly time for you to grow some balls and act right. Put the mafia shit aside for once."

If William wasn't talking about Sophia, I'd beat his ass right now but I think he has a point. "Let me get dressed." I say after a long moment of thinking.
"My man!" He replies with a smile and claps his hands. I look at him with a straight face, his smile fades and he puts his hands up in surrender.

I get dressed quickly knowing that the ladies are already downstairs and we've delayed a little. When I'm done, Will and I use the elevator in my room to go to the ground floor. When we reach the lobby, I see Sophia is quite surprised to see me, and I hope she's more than surprised because I put extra efforts in this outfit. Just when I smile slightly at her, she's looks away.

Christiano approaches me with some stats. I usually come lodge here when I visit Paris, not just because I own it but I find it quite comfortable being around familiar environments. My father taught me to have some sort of a branch everywhere. He said build whenever and wherever you can, power will be in our name until eternity. Some buildings I already found left in my name and others I had to work on to get. This is so that money keeps flowing.

After I discuss the plans with Andreas, I walk over to Will and the ladies. Sophia doesn't look but clearly knows I'm there but she's doing something on her phone.

She's ignoring me.

I probably deserve it but it pisses me off. Will gestures using his eyes that I should talk to her and all of a sudden my palms are all sweaty. I shrug my shoulders and wrinkle my forehead not knowing what to say to her in that state.

"Err sir, the car is ready." Martin says behind me saving me from this awkward moment.
"I'm driving, hand  me the keys." I tell him. He looks at me with worry and wants to protest but knows better than that.
"Okay, we'll be behind you." He says.
"We can protect ourselves, at least you get the day off."
"But sir." he tries to protest but I stop him with my hand slightly in the air.

"Lorenzo when was the last time you drove yourself?" Will asks sarcastically
"Your point exactly?" I ask.
"Letting these fine ladies and myself be in a car you're driving, I mean, no shade thrown but I'd rather die." He explains making the ladies giggle.
"Will if you're done playing around, you know we have to leave." I tell him seriously. "Martin we need other keys for William and Angela."

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