Unexpected turnout

332 10 1

Lorenzo Gabriel Jose
She keeps slapping me. I have to admit that for a girl, its quite impressive. My cheeks hurt and so does the rest of my face. She cusses with every hit.

"Stupid fuck, ass hole, bastard, stupid ass piece of shit!" I think she's missing one, the usual.
"Ass wipe!" Oh, there it is.

I hold her wrists to stop her but she doesn't budge. "Calm down stubborn one." I say breathlessly.
"You're telling me to calm down! Do you know what I went through this morning!" She yells and manages to escape my grip. Wow she's strong. I relax knowing she's walking towards the bed but to my surprise,  she turns and punches me in the stomach a few times. It doesn't hurt as compared to the fights most men put up. I hold her wrists and shake her as I talk this time.

"You know, we can sit and have a normal conversation like the adults we are" I say to her.
"Conversation!" She laughs out. "Like you'd know anything about that."

I knew she's being honest. I've never had a conversation with her. I guess whenever we were supposed to, one of us was being difficult.
"I can try" I say in a low tone. I have the same nonchalant vibe I always have with her and everyone else except Will and Elizabeth.

I look her in the eyes and see her soften up but she tries not to show it. One thing about me is that it's extremely easy for me to read people. That's whats most important my father emphasized.

"If we're having a conversation, I need a first name." She demands. I just stare at her to avoid the question but it doesn't seem to work this time.

I sit on her bed and she struggles out of my hold. I let her go making her fall to the floor. I did intend for that to happen and so I resist the urge to help her get up. "You see why we can't get along huh? You're so stuck up! Power makes you very proud and stupid!" She yells and she gets up.

She stays in one position. I try to say something but she stops me. "No! You don't get to talk first. I get to go first, I have every right to do so." She says in a firm tone. "You know, last night, I was scared to death and that's where you got me, you took advantage of me because I showed signs of fear, but today, I have nothing to lose,  you're going to sit and listen to me." I wonder where all this courage is coming from. I just stare at her not expressing my shock.

"In the time I've been here, I've seen that you get rid of whoever you want whenever you feel like, or use them for whatever because they're too scared to stand up for themselves but not me. I don't know what made you so fucking cold but what I do know is that you have no right on earth to treat people how you do, you're proud, never apologise when wrong, act like everyone is nothing compared to you, but you know what, fuck that, fuck power. You killing people will never really make you happy, it will not sort out your problems. You're just like your father, you mafia men are just the fucking same. Fucked up." She says breathlessly.

"Yesterday I lost my virginity to you, you took away my dignity, something I treasured, you took it away, it meant nothing to you but to me it meant everything. You practically kidnapped me and denied me access to my mother and friends and the people around here as well. I don't remember the last time I stepped outside. Keeping me here like an animal. I have nothing to fight for anymore. You took my virginity my mother and friends away from me,  you might as well just kill me!"

Woaah. I'm not sure I got all that, but what I know is she's very upset. Her yelling at me is kind of turning me on I have to admit. I like fearlessness in a woman. I snap out of my thoughts when she searches my eyes. I'm very confused. She takes my gun and hands it over to me.

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