Finding out

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Sophia Mendoza
That was so awkward and scary. Antonio obviously wouldn't leave because he didn't want me to expose him. To be honest, I'm too scared to do so. Lorenzo on the other hand seems clueless, I'm guessing maybe he didn't put him up to this or Antonio did more intimidating than required to.

I don't want that to happen to me again. It takes a lot of make up and covering my body for people not to notice the purple bruises on my skin and to top it off, it seems like the cream isn't working.

He told me he has to take me somewhere and I'm oblivious to what to wear. Maybe I should ask him.

' Err hey Mr Jose, what should I wear and at what time?'

Just texting that has me in panic mode, what if he thinks I'm thinking of him too much or stuff like that. But there's no undoing, I've already sent the message. I just lay on my bed and wait for his response.

Lorenzo Gabriel Jose
There's something going on around here I need to know. I enter my gym room because that helps me get my mind off things. These days though, I feel like it just makes me think even more about things.

And by things I mean Sophia.

Something strange is going on with her. Why does she keep calling me Mr Jose instead of Lorenzo, she clearly preferred Lorenzo. And how she got startled when Antonio walked in and her reactions the whole time. This has something to do with him. Son of a bitch. I'm on the trade mill and I keep increasing the speed. Why does everything seem weird when I get back from my usual trips. I don't know what's going on but I have to find out, tonight.

I'm panting from all this working out but it's good for my body.


This morning, instead of being in her usual shorts or sweat shorts with vests, she was covered up. She wore a black turtle neck and sweat pants. That got me surprised, the whole time during breakfast, I was trying to observe her and I have noticed she's kind of off just like I guessed over the phone. I swear if there's someone fucking with my Sophie, today is surely their last day.

I say that and hit the trade mill handles with my fists continuously, forgetting that it's at high speed. I slip off the the machine with force and hit my hand hard on it, the friction of the machine base causes me to start bleeding. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I yell out. Pedro comes into the room rushing and helps me up immediately placing me on the bed there.

"Sir, are you okay?" He asks concerned.
"I'm okay you loon, now get your hands off me and fetch me the doctor." I say with irritation.
"Yes sir." He responds as he runs out.

He returns with the doctor and the blood is all over my clothes, it's not hurting as much, I can bear the pain.
"Good morning Mr Jose." The doctor greets.
"It clearly isn't in fact a good morning." I snap.
"Sorry Sir." He immediately starts taking care of my wound, it hurts when he disinfects it and my guards watch in awe. I gesture for them to leave and they do so immediately. "Do you have any pain anywhere else?" Dr Martinez asks.

I nod in response pointing at my leg and left jaw. He immediately starts checking and trying to see what's wrong. My face is as cold as ice. I can't allow myself to be distracted. I'm so upset with myself right now. My phone beaps on the table and I sit up to check, wincing in pain. Martinez tries to stop me but I think it may be important.

"It's Sophia." I say a little louder than I should have, because I catch the doctor's attention. I look at him embarrassed, I don't show it though but I know my face has softened. "Don't mind that" I tell him. Luckily he doesn't seem to know anything. I open her text and it's her asking me what to wear.

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