He's Nice?

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Sophia Mendoza
"Come on in baby." Mother says to me. We're both wiping our tears of joy. "What can I get you?" She asks with a huge grin on her face.
"Nothing thanks momma, I'm okay, I missed you so much." I say squeezing her into a hug again.
"Me more my Sophie." She replies.

I look around and admire the house and look at the nice design and furniture. Everything is practically in one room but there's stairs leading to a room that you can see from the living room, very creative, comfy and beautiful. I wonder what she's doing here.

"Momma, what are you doing here though?" I ask surprised.
"Oh, Mr Jose didn't tell you?" She asks. I shake my head and she leads me to the sofa. "He told his men to move me here, get me new clothes, and a doctor to be checking on me three times a week. The guards come here to bring food stuffs and all, he is a very kind man you know." She explains and pokes me with a very huge smile.

I place my hand on my heart clearly  in shock. Images from the night he raped me come to my mind. "Mr Jose?" I ask in a broken tone. I didn't expect anything like this.
"Yes Mr Jose, are you okay?" She says placing her hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah." I say clearing my throat. "I just didn't know he was doing all this." I say trying to act normal.

"He is a very nice young man, he's been here twice with the doctor to see how I'm doing and give me my medication." She continues.
"That's very nice momma, when did you move here?"
"Two days after the day they took you, I always asked about you, I was so depressed without you, but now that you're here, everything is way better."

I kiss her cheek and give her a hug. I had planned to run away with my mother as soon as I got to the cottage, but after seeing what Lorenzo has done for her, I'd be a heartless monster if I did so. She looks so good, her skin is glowing, she's gained some weight and I wouldn't wish for anything more than seeing my mother happy.

"Now you tell me about him, he's quite cute." She winks. I look at her knowing exactly what she means. I roll my eyes in response and my smile fades. But she's waiting for an answer.
"Its nothing like that." I laugh out. "He is really nice though, gets me clothes, gadgets, I'm always fed, I have friends there, he is really nice." I lie.

I really love my mother, and if lying to her and myself will keep her this beautiful and healthy, that's exactly what I'll do. I'd even become his sex slave if he wants me to. I'd sacrifice my happiness for her. I knew that if I told her exactly what goes on, she'd be very unhappy and cry a lot.

"Speaking of friends, Eden, Angela and Tom pass by a lot to see how I'm doing and if there's anything new I've heard about you." She smiles and my eyes brighten up. "I miss them so much, no day passes by without me thinking about them."

"They'll probably be happy to see you looking this good, you look beautiful honey," she squeezes my hands. "I want to know everything that goes on there, tell me all about it." She says with a wide smile.

Oh boy!

Lorenzo Gabriel Jose
I'm feeling very lazy today. I just want to sleep through the day. I don't know what has me this tired. Even though I want to be asleep, I can't, I have to work. William is done taking his medication and can finally walk again. He'll be coming here like before.

I have to write down a few things, I'm dealing with drugs today. I do this a lot, finding buyers that'll get them in bulk and earn myself a lot of money. I don't take drugs though, it'd be stupid of me to do so.

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