Partner in crime

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Picture of William Miguel Jose

Lorenzo Gabriel Jose
It's 6am in the morning. I got back from the hospital two hours ago. Elizabeth insisted that I should take a bath and have a change of clothes and that I should send another maid there with clothes for both her and Sophia. Preferably Emma. I'm in the gym doing my morning workouts. When I get a call from from Will. "Brother." he says as usual.
"Brother." I reply. It was a sort of our greeting. A hi hello.

"I'm in town brother, can't wait to get my hands on that fucking bastard, hope you haven't killed him yet." He says seriously.
"Of course not, I had to wait on that. I've been preoccupied"
"Okay so should I come straight to your mansion of glory or?"
"I'll be at the hospital in a few, I'll call you and you'll meet me there." I reply.
"Okay then see you soon." He says and I hung up.

I jog upstairs and get ready. I take a shower and think of Sophia my princess. I want to rewrite her story. Make her live better. Be happy and live like royalty. I'll open up to her. She's suffered enough pain and misery. I can make her happy and I know it. I told Emma to pack some clothes for her, she probably knows what to pack. I told her to also include her gadgets and also let Sophia's friends know that she's in hospital so they can visit whenever they like.

I remember the night I wanted to know what was going on with her. How I touched her. Kissed her all over. I miss that night. I miss how her fingers would run through my hair incredulously, begging for more.

My plan was to get her weak so that I could find out what was going on but that clearly didn't work because even I got distracted. Her body. Damn. Her legs. Her breasts. She drove me insane. The fuck. Why have I been fighting it. Maybe that 'she's the one' shit is real. I haven't had such strong feelings for a woman, ever. I thought Isabelle was the climax and I'm twenty-four. Just the thought of Sophia makes me hard. Her hands on my body is heaven. I can't wait to see her.

I step out of the shower and get dressed as quickly as possible. Wearing a charcoal grey long sleeved turtle neck with a zipper running from my mid chest going up. I then put on navy blue slacks with a matching jacket. I walk downstairs and check on the guard that was shot and see that he's okay.

He insisted on being treated from the mansion rather than in hospital. Men and hospitals. Luckily there's a lot of experience when it comes to bullet wounds around here. I then walk outside the mansion and find the two guards I'm moving around with today waiting for me. Alejandro and Luis. Luis opens the back door for me and I enter sitting on the right side. I then get busy on my phone until we're in town. I'm pretty sure Emma is in the car behind me.

This morning before my workout, I went into my peace space. The flower garden. It was heavenly. I feel like I'm changing and I don't want to resist it. I like how it feels. I have a right to happiness right? I pick out some yellow flowers. I know they're her favorite.

I look besides me and see the flowers. I had them tied up by Emma's friend. They look just like they were from a shop. I hope they make her happy. Especially considering I hand picked them.

We reach the hospital and Luis opens the car door for me. I carry the flowers with me and head for Sophia's room. I open it and enter clearly not caring if these are visiting hours or not. I spot Elizabeth on the chair next to Sophia's bed. She seems tired and keeps dozing off once a while in her chair while Sophia is awake, playing with her fingers. But awake!!


I walk slowly towards her with the flowers in my hand. My palm feels extremely sweaty. What if she thinks I'm too corny.

"Hi." I say with a slight smile when she notices me.
"Hello, Mr Jose." She says lowly.


Back to square one. I hate it when she calls me that. It makes me feel old. I place the flowers on the counter.

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