Chapter Fifty Four

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Cheryl's POV:

"Oi oi Chezza! Looking good! Where's that girl of yours?"

"In the kitchen, getting you alcohol as we speak. Don't worry Hardcore!"

"Aw, do you know you two are my favourite couple ever?! Mwah, love ya!" Sarah kisses my cheek, going off to find Kimberley in the kitchen, Marley racing after her. We decided to have a small house warming party with our famalies and friends but obviously Sarah is planning on turning our house into a nightclub for the night.

"Nic and Nads are checking out upstairs, go tell them to come down." I tell Sarah, getting her to leave us alone while we only have a few minutes before everyone else is scheduled to arrive.

"You alright babe?"

"Yeah, well i'm a little nervous. I mean i know we've done things like this before but i don't know. It's just everyone's gonna be here and it's just kinda daunting. I don't know, i'm probably talking rubbish..."

"Hey, hey, no. I understand babe, you're all right. If you need two minutes alone, let me know. I don't want you worrying or stressing, ok? You've done really well, just take a deep breath. I can practically hear your heart beating." Letting her pull me into her arms, i take a deep breath and convince myself i'm worrying over nothing.

"We better go let people in babe, just take a deep breath and enjoy yourself. Stand by Sarah all night and you'll be wasted in no time."

"HEARD THAT!" Sarah shouts from the other room making us all dissolve into laughter just before the doorbell goes signalling the first guests here.


Kimberley's POV:

"Hey Nads, you seen Cheryl?"

"She escaped into the kitchen a few minutes ago, suprised she could even walk with the amount of shots Sarah's been shoving down her throat." Nadine laughs before turning back to Jason while i creep out of the room and into the kitchen. With no sign of Cheryl in the kitchen, i go to turn back but the light wind blows the patio door open a little more.

"Chez? Babe?" I call outside once i pull on a coat. The dim lights in the garden light up her face as she turns around and smiles, opening her arms for a cuddle.

"God, you're freezing! What you doing out here?!" I wrap my arms around her from behind and place small kisses along her neck and shoulder as she relaxes back into me.

"Just having a few minutes, just thinking."

"About what babe?"

"How much everything's changed. Only months ago, i was stuck in that place, suffering things that i'd never thought i'd experience. I mean, it's not every day you or a friend are sent to a mental place, right? And within, a few months, i'm out and buying a house with my best friend of ten years who i was in love with and is now my girlfriend. It's just crazy.... Ever since i got sick, i always prepared myself for random things life would throw at me but something like this? Never in a million years."

"You're happy though, right?" Even though i can't see her face, i know she's smiling.

"I've never been happier." She whispers, turning around in my arms and kissing me lightly.

"I'm not sad anymore, i'm not angry or lost. I'm happy and it's all down to you."

"Cheryl i doubt-"

"No seriously babe, listen to me for a minute. I honestly wouldn't have been able to do this without you. If i just had Ashley or Tre or the girls, as much as i loved and love them all, they're not you. I nearly gave up so many times in that place and you was the only thing i fought for. I kept thinking 'i might not have anything or anyone else but i have Kimberley'. You never left when things got tough, you never left when i was screaming i hated you, you was always there, always beliving in me and always helping. I owe you everything."

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