Chapter Seven

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Kimberley's POV:

"No i can't"

My visions blurred, still adjusting to the light when i hear Cheryl mutter something from the room. I creep out of bed and down to the room. I peak through the door to see Cheryl stood on the phone, a restless look on her face.

"No, you're not listening to me"

"It's not that i can't, it's that i won't"

"I'm feeling better here"

"Of course i do! It's helping me being here"

"Yes i do! You should come round later?"

"She won't mind, i just need some time here before i come back"

"I feel bad, it's helping me but hurting her"

"I can see the tired look in her eyes, i can hear the crying when i kick off"

"It's just once they take over, i can't stop myself"

"No i'm not going to a doctor"

"Because i can't! It panics me more then when you have to sit and wait, it just brings up loads of bad memories"

"Like all the waiting when I had Malaria, waiting if i could be let out and if i was stable. I don't like it"

"Look come round later, i'll try but no promises"

"Bye, you too"

She hangs up looking happier, i knock on the door making her jump slightly.


"Did i wake you?"

"No, no you didn't. Who was you on the phone to?"

"Tre, he's thinking of coming by earlier. If that's ok?"

"Yeah sure, right breakfast time"

She smiles, taking my hand to pull me up and following me into the kitchen.

After breakfast and when we finally got ready, Cheryl seems happy enough and seems like she's looking forward to seeing Tre.

"What you doing today then?"

"Nothing really, i need to go through some paper work stuff"


She goes back silent and to watching the television before turning back towards me.

"You sure you're ok with him coming round? I know before he kicked off-"

"Cheryl i don't care, aslong as you're happy then i am too!"

She runs off to kiss my cheek when the doorbell rings and she goes to answer it with a smile spread across her face. She soon returns with Tre, his arm around her and kissing her head.

"Hi Kimberley"

"Hey, right i'll leave you two alone"

I smile before quickly disappearing into the second room. I grab my phone quickly dialing Sarah's number.


"What's up Kimbers? It's Cheryl ok?"

"Yeah, Tre has come round for a while. I was wondering if you'd got in touch with a doctor?"

"Oh yeah, Nicola's rang one. He wants to arrange a time and where you're planning on seeing him? Does Cheryl know?"

"No, i was thinking of telling her tonight after Tre has gone then we could meet tomorrow?"

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