Chapter Forty Eight

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Kimberley's POV:

"Lets go!" Sarah screams as we pull away, waving Rebecca bye who's stood beside Adam.

"To the studio for until ten then while you are busy, we'll go and pick up food for the beach and come back for you? Plan?"

"Yeah captain!" I reply to Nicola who playfully salutes back, i turn to Cheryl who's just staring out of the window. I wrap my hand in hers, receiving a quick smile before she continues to gaze as the scenery alongside the road.




"Could Nic stay with me while we're at the studio? She knows what she's doing and i don't really want anybody listening to the song yet."

"Oh... ok yeah. Nic?"

"What's up?"

"Do you mind staying at the studio with Cheryl and i'll go with these two?"

"Oh yeah, i'd love too!" She gets out of the car and so does Cheryl, she leans over giving me a kiss before shutting the door and waving. We drive away, feeling quite disappointed that i won't be hearing the songs which obviously mean so much to Cheryl.

Cheryl's POV:

"I wrote this one not so long back, please tell me if it's bad! I need an honest opinion."

"Have you got any music to go with?"

"I did it on the piano, we'll use the keyboard in there, it will do."

"Ok, let's have a listen then!" Nervously, i enter the booth with Nicola at the other side of the glass. I take a few deep breaths and set the sheet music up before finally filling the silence with the music notes.

"OH. MY. GOD." I stay seated, suddenly feeling very nervous as Nicola gets up to run to me.



"YES! It has so much potential!"

"Oh thank god, i thought you wouldn't like it!"

"No, how could i not?! Right, you ready to go again? We'll do the keyboard first then the backing track then the basic vocals and lyrics then the back vocals. Let's make some magic!" She winks as she excitedly runs out while i prepare myself.


We've finally finished, ten minutes before we have to leave but we have an amazing complete song. We also did a few edited versions of the song as some were too good to ignore. We take the CD as get out of the studio to see the girls sat in the car park, smiling and laughing away.

"Had fun girls?"

"Yeah, it was great."

"Well we practically emptied the supermarket out!"

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's get our little road trip started!" Sarah cheers loudly as she climbs into the drivers seat pulling me into the passenger seat, leaving the other three to get in the back.


"We've picked a good day girls!" Nadine claps her hands at the sunny weather, luckily we're all wearing summery clothes too.

"Can we go to the beach first?!" Sarah shouts earning an excited squeal from Nicola who starts grabbing the bucket and spade like a six year old.

"Yeah, come on!" While Sarah and Nicola race to the sea, Nadine and Kimberley grab the bags full of food and the blankets to sit on as we make our own way down to the sandy beach.

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