Chapter Twenty Seven

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Kimberley's POV:


Just as i open the door to Cheryl's room, she runs straight into my arms, nearly knocking me over with the force. I laugh as she buries her head into my neck, Nadine also comes out and starts talking to the girls, strangely keeping an eye on us.

"Hey you."

"God you were longer than you said!"

"No i wasn't, i-"

"14 minutes Kimba!"


"You was 14 minutes longer!"

I catch Nadine eye out of the corner of mine and smile, she smiles back suspiciously before turning towards the girls again.

"You been alright then?"

"Yeah, me and Nadine went for a walk then we just talked. How did it go back there?"

"Fine well Amy being Amy gave me the wrong address or i'd have been back earlier. Sorry."

"You're here now though and you're staying tonight?"

"Yeah, last night babe."

"Stay for just one more?"

"No, Cheryl i can't. One more night will turn into two more then before i know it i'll have stayed for the rest of the week."

"Please Kimba-"

"Cheryl, don't."

She rolls her eyes before turning to the girls, walking over and hugging them as Nadine comes to me.

"She been alright? No tears."

"Not really, we went for a walk then a coffee but she wanted to come back up here and wait for you."

"Aw but she didn't kick off?"

"No, she's been stood looking at the door for the past twenty minutes but no tantrums."

"Good, i have to leave her tomorrow. Last night of stopping here tonight."

"Bet you're glad to get home to you're own bed."

"Sort of, i just think as soon as i leave then she might kick off, go back to her troubled self."

"She's done well so far, with a bit of luck she might just carry on like she has."

"Could be kicking off sooner than we think-"

"What? Why?"

"There's a story in the newspapers, about Cheryl."

"What does it say?"

"It's in my bag, it says something about leaving the country because of Ashley's new fling, us girls going against her because of her tour and something about Tre ending it. I don't know, just all lies really."

"She's not gonna take that good!"

"Nope, should i tell her?"

"You can't hide it Kim, she'll go mental."

"Suppose, come on then. Let's face the music."

We follow the girls inside, Nicola talking to Cheryl about the latest trouble she's had with her naughty dogs. Cheryl pulls me down next to her on the bed but i stay standing up, pulling out the newspaper from my bag.

"What's that?"

"Look Cheryl, seen as though you haven't been in the spot light after your tour, well the media is picking out every single little thing they can get."

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