Chapter Forty Two

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Nicola's POV:

"We'll be outside, ok girls?" Nadine gives him a quick nod of her head as we lead a sleepy Cheryl to her bed. She fell asleep in Nadine's lap for a few hours but woke up sweating and crying from a nightmare but she's been allowed back to her own room.

"Come on, bed time babe." As Nadine gets her settled, i give Marley some food and water as he's been left alone for the majority of today what with all the dramas. As Nadine goes to walk away, Cheryl suddenly grips her hand.

"Can you stay? Please? Don't leave me alone." She whispers, staring into Nadine's eyes, pleading for her to stay.

"Of course i will." She climbs into the bed, pulling Cheryl into her arms but we all know how much Cheryl wishes that was Kimberley.


Nadine's POV:

"You two go home, i'll stay here and you can bring me some clothes back?"

"Ok, sure. Just call if you need anything." Sarah and Nicola leave to go get some sleep and to get showered and changed as i volunteer to stay with Cheryl for the night, none of us keen on the idea of her being alone incase she does wake up.

I don't know when i became so comforting, i always felt awkward in these situations especially when it's between two of my best friends! But never the less what Cheryl did was wrong but i can't get rid of the fact, she's ill, very ill and she never asked for that. She needs me and aslong as she needs me, i'll be here, no matter how long it takes.

A groan from Cheryl breaks me from my thoughts as she shifts around in my arms.

"Kimba? Kimberley?" She murmurs, her subconscious mind thinking i'd be Kimberley but a frown takes over her face making her open her eyes.

"Sh, it's me babe. You ok?"


"Yeah, it's me."

"What's the time?"

"Coming upto midnight i think hun, how're you feeling?"

"Tired, upset, tired, guilty, tired. I'm surprise you haven't left."

"I'm not saying what you did was ok but you're not ok Chez, you need someone and i'm happy to be that person no matter what's happened. I'll always stand by you."

"Thanks Nads, for staying."

"My pleasure."

"Do you think she'll come back? She probably hates me."

"She could never hate you Chez, she can't resist you."

"But she's never spoke to us like that before..." I can see the tears in her eyes and hear her voice crack with emotion.

"Kimba's never spoke to anyone like that but she's just angry and she's only angry because she cares so much. You know Kimba is never a fighter and she never shouts but-"

"She shouted at me."

"Because she loves you so much, i'm not gonna lie Chez, she's defentily hurt."

"I know."

"Why did you kiss him Chez?"

"I di- I don't know."

"Come on, it's so out of character."

"It's probably my feelings getting mixed up."

"Your feelings seemed pretty clear to us over the past few days, you was head over heels in love with Kimberley."

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