Chapter Fourteen

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Kimberley's POV:

"Ah crap!"

I shout as i wake up to be met by the bright sunlight, glaring through the window. I rub my eyes and i pull myself up from my uncomfortable night on the sofa.

I thought Cheryl would have stopped at Ashley's last night but then why is her bag here? I creep to the bedroom and look inside quietly to see her snuggled up in bed, her permanent frown still fixed on her face. I leave her to sleep for a while when i hear a loud knock on the door, i set off running wanting to be quick to stop the knocking so Cheryl went wake up.

"Kimberley, hi!"

Ashley smiles as i open the door.

"Oh hi, what are you doing here?"

"Is she here? I woke up and she was gone?"

"So she spent the night at yours?"

"It's mine and Cheryl's and yeah she did"

"No, it stopped being Cheryl's a long time ago when she divorced you"

"She was fine last night Kimberley, she was laughing, smiling, fooling around like we always used too. It was so much better"

Stupidly, i invite him in for a cup of tea just wanting to know his intentions of being with Cheryl. I pass him his tea, sitting down across from him.

"What do you want with Cheryl?"


"Why all of a sudden do you care about her?"

"Kim you know that's not true, i've always cared about her"

"Not always, i very doubt you cared about her when you was spending the night with other women!"

"That was a mistake-"

"No Ashley, doing it once? Yeah ok a drunken mistake but doing it repeatedly? That's not making Ashley, that's betrayal!"

"Fine ok, i messed up but when she did leave for good, it made me realise how much i took her for granted. I love her to bits Kimberley and i do care about her, we're just having fun"

"But Ashley she doesn't know what she wants! You're clearly taking advantage of her now"

"That's the last thing i want to do, i've noticed the change in her too Kimberley. I just want to make her happy for once"

A small bit of guilt does take over me, i want her to be happy too but i don't want her being dragged back i to a relationship with Ashley when she's still meant to be with Tre. Before i can answer i hear Cheryl waking up.

"Look you should just go before she wakes up, i have to take her to the doctor again today but if she mentions you, i'll give you a ring, yeah?"

"Thanks Kim"

"Yeah but just so you know Ashley, you hurt her and not only me but the girls aswell, we won't let it go lightly"

He nods showing he understands then heads out as i go and see Cheryl.

"Morning Chez"

I walk towards her, leaving her a cup of tea beside the bed. She smiles slightly when i hear my phone vibrate beside me.


"Hi Kimberley, it's Doctor Green"

"Hi, what's up?"

"There's been an emergency with one of my other patients and i don't know what times i will be back, could you swing by the office tomorrow instead?"

"Yeah sure"

"And remember she will need to take the medication"

"Right, thanks"

"Bye Kimberley"

I hang up and i'm met by Cheryl with a huge grin on her face, i guess she over heard.

"Right so we have the full day to ourselves today, what do you want to do?"

"Get the girls round and we'll have a movie day!"

"You sure Chez?"

"Yes i'm sure, i've got to make it up to them aswell. A lovely Girls Aloud day in!"

I laugh then turn round, remembering about her medication.

"Babe you need to take your medicine aswell"

"I'll take it tomorrow, don't want anything to spoil it today"

"Cheryl you said you'd take it today!"

"I know but still? We can just have a nice day!"

"No, no Cheryl you're having it!"



"Ok, i'll take it"

"You're not going to argue back? I thought i'd have to slip it in your tea"

"Kimba if you want me to take them i will"

"Ok, good i'll go get them"

I smile in relief that Cheryl isn't going to be difficult. I grab her pills and a drink and half expect me to walk into the bedroom and find her gone.

She's still there, smiling happily. I grab my phone and quickly text the girls to come round for 12 then pass the pills over to Cheryl.

"How many?"

"Two, you still want the girls to come round? They don't make you feel good for a few week-"

"Kimberley i'll be fine"

She takes them both, throwing her head back and swallowing them quick. I smile back, satisfied that she's finally taken them.


"Very, now go get ready before the girls come?"

She nods her head and gets herself out of bed, i get myself ready aswell as i get a text from Nadine saying they've set off.

"Chez help me carry these drinks and this food in please!"

She comes in straight away and helps me, it's obvious she's in such a better mood today.

"I'll get it, can you put the DVD on?"

"Yeah sure"

She replies as i go answer the door as we left it locked, the girls all give me a quick hug before going straight into the room to see Cheryl.


Nic pulls her into a warm hug before letting Nadine.

"You ok today Chez?"

Nadine asks which i cringe at, god knows how she's gonna react to that.

"Yeah, Kimberley made me take that medication so you guys don't have to worry!"

She laughs before hugging Sarah and taking a drink.

"Right let's get this film on!"

Cheryl settles between Nadine and Nicola, leaving me and Sarah to sit on the other sofa. It leaves me a little disappointed that she never saved me a seat... why should she save me a seat? I'm just like the other girls: her friend.

We're already on the second film and i keep letting my eyes drift over to Cheryl. She doesn't look exactly comfortable, a bit like she's in pain.

"Hey, she's fine you know?"

Sarah whispers obviously catching me staring. I nod my head knowing we'll catch too much attention if i argue. I think Cheryl is the only one who hasn't noticed my constant staring to be honest.

"I'll be back in a second, just need the loo"

Cheryl smiles, breaking the silence and Nicola pauses the film.

"No need to pause it, i'll be two seconds"

She walks out of the room and i immediately stand up when Sarah tries pulling me back down.

"Kimberley she's fine!"

"I just want to make sure"

"She obviously doesn't want you too if she hasn't mentioned anything"


I sit back down annoyed while they all put the film back on, not like i'm taking any notice. I just want to see Cheryl.

It's been a good five minutes and Cheryl still hasn't come back.

"That's it, i just want to see if she's ok. She's been gone a while"

They all agree and let me go see her, i knock softly on the bathroom door.


No reply.

"Cheryl? You ok?"

"Yeah, fine Kim"

She replies in a pain filled voice.

"Let me in babe"

"No go watch the film, i'll be just a second"

"Cheryl, just let me in? Yeah?"

I hear a little bit of shuffling before hearing the lock click open, she's already walked back to the sink and is leaned on it, facing forward. I can see the pain on her face through the mirror as her hand grips her stomach.

"Chez, what's up? Are you okay?!"

"No, i don't know what it is?! My stomach-"

She doubles over, her hands wrapping around her stomach. I help her sit on the floor when i get a thick smell of sick coming from the toilet.

"Right i'm gonna leave you here for just a second while i go ring the doctor, ok?"

She doesn't even manage any words but lets out a small moan as tears stream from the corner of her eyes.

I go back to the room where all the girls are looking confused, i grab my phone ignoring their faces and call the doctor.


"Hi it's Kimberley"

"Oh what's up?"

"Well i've given Cheryl the tablets this morning and she's curled up on the bathroom floor, crying in pain. She's already been sick, she says it's her stomach"

I put my phone on speaker while i grab a blanket from behind the sofa.

"Yeah there's so many side effects, this is only just the start Kimberley. All i can recommended is the simple things you'd do, try let her sleep or rest if she can and maybe put a hot water bottle on her stomach to ease the pain?"

"Right ok, thanks

I hang up and grab the hot water bottle, asking Sarah to fill it up before running back to Cheryl.

"Babe there's nothing i can do, it's just the tablets. Come on, we'll get you back on the sofa and you can put this hot water bottle on your stomach"

"No Kimberley, it's too warm"

"Cheryl you've got goosebumps! You're freezing"

She shakes her head, her forehead coated in sweat yet her skin feeling like ice. I manage to help her up, her eyes closed as more tears make there way down her face and bring her into the room again, letting her lay down on the settee. Sarah comes back with the hot water bottle and i wrap it in the blanket before laying it on her stomach.

Sarah goes to sit by Nadine as i let Cheryl rest against me, her face is screwed up in pain still. I pull another blanket over her as she silently cries. The girls turn the movie back on, their faces full of sympathy but not wanting to drag too much attention.

The movies finished and the girls are chatting silently, i nudge an exhausted looking Cheryl with my arm lightly.

"Do you want some water?"

"N- no"

She stutters, her hands wrapped around her stomach.

"It's gonna help though, the doctor said to keep hydrated?"

"Kimberley pleas-"

Sarah interrupts Cheryl and goes to get a drink of water for her and a cold towel for her head as Cheryl's temperature has risen fast and is now scolding hot.

I let her get back comfortable as the girls all decide to stay a bit longer to keep me company and help with Cheryl. Cheryl herself looks exhausted but in too much pain to even catch some sleep, will this pain ever go away? I want to see my Cheryl smiling again, i promise i will get her smiling again.



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