Chapter Thirty Nine

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Cheryl's POV:

"Hi gorgeous, you alright?" I jump in shock as i hear Kimberley behind me, unexpectedly visiting.

"Kimba? Aren't you meant to be coming in an hour or two?"

"Yeah but i came a bit earlier. Fancy going for a quick walk with Marley?"

"Um... yeah." She smiles taking my hand and leading me outside, Marley running along side of us.

It's been a week since the kiss with Tyler and Kimberley can tell there's been something up but i can't tell her. What if she leaves? And the girls too? I've spoken to Tyler a lot but i try and make excuses not to stay too long, it's still awkward.

As we approach the river, she pulls me down beside her just like Tyler did.

"How have you been feeling this week?"

"Fine, ok. Should we get walking though? Don't want to keep the girls waiting?" I stand up and rush off, speed walking down the dirt path while Kimberley follows shouting for me to slow down.

"Hey! Cheryl, slow down! What's wrong?"

"Kimb- Kim-" I look up and see the girls walking towards us as Marley runs off towards them but i can't seem to catch my breathe.

This is it. I have to tell her.

"Kimba- I'm sorry-"

"Sorry? Chez, what's happened? Are you ok?"

"No- Yes- I mean- God Kimba, i'm so sorry."

"Sorry? Sorry for what? Chez, speak to me!" My hearts beating so fast, i can practically hear it and my breathes are getting quicker and shorter as a thin layer of sweat appears on my forehead, the pressure becoming too much.

"What's going on?" The girls race over, seeing my recent state and look up to Kimberley who's stood just as confused.

"Chez, babe. Breathe! Calm down, it's ok, breathe." She wraps her arms around my shoulders but i don't deserve that. I don't deserve her.

"No-" I push her away again, words still failing me as tears leaks from the corners of my eyes.

"Listen? Babe, listen." I nod and copy her breathing pattern as she takes my hands.

"Whatever's happened, we can talk when we get back but just calm down. It'll all be ok." I nod along again as i feel more tears race down my cheeks, my legs feeling weaker.

"Good girl, come on. Let's get her back." She wraps her arm around me again, still holding on to one of my hands and we set off walking back as i cry into her shoulder.


"Here babe." Nadine passes me some water when we get back to the room, my hands still visibly shaking but Kimberley immediately puts her hand over mine to stop the cup shaking and spilling. Once again, showing off her perfect caring nature.

Another reason why i don't deserve her. It's the little things.

"Right, do you want to talk?" It's the last thing i want to do but i HAVE too.

"I- I need to tell you something." Sitting beside me on the bed, she takes my hands and encourages me to carry on.

"Last week, when me and T- Tyler went for a walk?" I find myself stuttering over nearly every word but totally losing it when it comes to Tyler's name.

"Sh, it's ok. Carry on."

"We walked like today, the same way. Marley was playing in the river so we sat down on the little hill and he was asking about how i got Marley so i brought you up and i ended up telling him about us."

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