94-You two are known for...

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Ashton- You two are known for being the giggly couple when you two are together you are always laughing and smiling. You two are known as the non punk rock ones but you don't mind you are happy with each other.

Michael- You two are known for being sassy and saying dirty things you two once got kicked out of a restaurant because a waiter fainted after they heard you two having one of your weird conversations. Luke was corrupted by you two and you taught him some things to say while he is in the bedroom *wink wink*

Calum- You and Calum are the ones with the tattoos you are also the ones that swear the most , at first fans thought you two wouldn't last now they don't think you will ever split you bring out the child in Calum and the fans love it.

Luke- You two were the innocent couple then the fans found out what you two do behind closed doors , you are also the couple everyone knows will last because you have been with Luke since the beginning and you also give the other girlfriends advice on how to deal with everything.

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