21- Christmas #4: Christmas Day

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Ashton- You two have been together six months and twenty-three days. You two didn't see each other but you talked on Skype and on the phone . He also promised that you two would spend the next Christmas together .

Michael- You two have been together eleven months and eleven days . He fell asleep at your house and spent almost all of Christmas there. He got your family presents and they were all surprised at how he knew what to get them . You didn't even know he had bought them . You guys kissed under the mistletoe and your little sister squealed because you got cooties .

Calum- You two have been together eleven months and twenty-eight days. You wake up to the smell of food you walk to the kitchen and see Calum cooking you walk up behind him and hug his waist he says " Good morning " you rest your head in his back and say " Good morning Cal " he turns around and kisses you you kiss back and then he pushes you against the counter you hear him turn the stove off and he licks your lips you open your mouth and his tongue goes into your mouth . He pulls you closer to his bare chest your fingers go to his hair and pull his face closer . He pulls away and says " Want to go open the presents ? " you follow him into the living room and see presents he says " Your mum sent presents for you and me , and my mum and sister sent some too." You two open the presents until there is only two left . You both got clothes , books , electronics , and stuff for hobbies . He gives you a present and you open it and see a beautiful ring. You look at him and he says " It's a promise ring . I promise to love you and eventually marry you " you had given him a new bass , some new cds , and tickets to see his favorite band. He looks at you and says " Happy Birthday Y/n . "

Luke- You two have been together five months and twenty-one days . He had to visit family . So he wasn't at his house you guys were texting a lot and you were talking on Skype before going to bed . You also talked to the family he was visiting you had met them a few times when they visited him . You were with your family all day and your little sister said she missed Luke .

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