18- Christmas #1: Decorating

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Ashton- You two are at his house and you are helping him with the tree . He kisses me then says " Want to put the star on ?" You nod and he lifts you up causing yih to laugh he watches you put the star on top of the tree and then puts you down . You two look areound at the room there is decorations all over the living room. 

Michael- You are sitting with Mikey and you guys are making decorations for the tour bus . He randomly leans over and kisses you and you kiss back and then the boys walk in and Calum says " Guys we sit there " you blush and pull away then say " The decorations are done let's start putting them up" you all put them up then Mikey and you watch scary movies . 

Calum- You two are at the store buying lights for his house and you two have no idea what you are doing so you buy random lights you get to his house and there is no one there . All the others are out buying presents . You guys put the lights up and turn them on none of them are the same . You just laugh and go to his room to take a nap . 

Luke- You two always decorate your houses together , make food , go shopping , and wear matching outfits . This year you guys were elves your brothers laughed at you guys . The fans knew about you guys and they loved it , You made a video together of you guys in the outfits , made cakes , and bought each other gifts.

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