60-You See Him Cry For the First Time

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Ashton- You were sitting in Ashton's living room and you heard crying . You walked up the stairs and into Ashton's room he had his phone in hand and tears were falling down his face . You sat next to him and take his phone there is a bunch of hate ,you turn his screen off and hug him he cries into your shoulder you sit on his lap letting him cry you say " Ash , none of it's true " he looks at you and your heartbreaks he sniffles and says " They are saying I am not man enough to be with you and they're right ." You look at him shocked you say " Ashton , I don't love you because of your masculinity I love you because of your personality , and so what if they don't like how you laugh or talk I think it's absolutely sexy " he looks up at you and laughs his adorable laugh before saying " Thank-you Y/n I really needed to hear that " you peck him on the lips and you two just sit there the rest of the day .

Michael- You were sitting at your table reading when there was a knock on the door you got up and opened it to see Michael he was crying you say " Mikey what's wrong " he looks at you and says " Everyone was saying you were dead and sending me their condolences I had to see if it was true " you hug him and he cries you say " I will never leave you Michael , I would be lost without you " he hugs you tighter and he says " I love you so much " you feel his lips connect with yours and he stops crying as the kiss goes on .

Calum- You walk into Calum's house and see him on the couch crying you immediately run over and hug him he turns to you and tries to wipe all evidence of his tears away . You say "Calum what's wrong ? " he hugs your waist and has his head resting on your shoulder he says " My grandparents died in a car crash this morning " you hug him to you and whisper soothing words into his ear he eventually falls asleep .

Luke- You are laying on your bed when all of the sudden Luke is climbing in your window he has tears in his eyes he says " My parents are thinking about moving and I wouldn't be able to see you " you open your arms and he lays down his head on your chest you run your fingers through his hair as you both cry he would probably have to quit 5sos because he is 17 and can't live on his own . Well he could live with Ashton you suddenly smile that's actually a good idea you mention it to him and he smiles at you . Your little sister walks in and the says " Are you two okay " you say " His parents are thinking about moving to Perth " she is confused and just walks away you . You both get ready and leave going to Ashton's house you arrive and Ashton agrees along with Luke's parents . You help Luke move in and he is able to stay in 5sos

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