36-What type of boyfriend he is

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Ashton- He is the type of boyfriend that would do anything for you and defend you and write songs about you. He cuddles with you and he lays down with you and sings you to sleep. He isn't to over protective but he wants everyone to know that you are off limits. Sometimes he'll feel like that your too good for him. He stares into your eyes and he kisses you so passionately. He makes you smile and laugh no matter what. He cuddles with you and like holds you in his arms pointing out every single thing he loves about you .

Michael- His idea of a romantic dinner is going to a pizza parlor and making you laugh by tucking his napkin into his shirt but still end up somehow getting pizza sauce on his shirt and cheese stuck to his stubbly chin and if you ever fight, he'd run his fingers through his hair (whatever color it is at the time) and lose the argument to see you smile or he would turn it into a talk about your dates and his favorite ones or what he loves about you .

Calum- He would be the cuddliest boyfriend, he would want to cuddle with you all the time and if you said no he would do that adorable pout and you wouldn't be able to resist. He would just love wrapping his arms around you and keeping you close to him. He would be so playful though like he would see you upset over something and he would do everything to make you happy again even if it meant him pulling silly faces at you and making a fool of himself. When he's on tour he would send you cute video messages either over Instagram and keek or just little private ones. The boys would pay him out for talking about you all the time but they knew it was just because he loves you so much.

Luke- Luke is very shy, but when he's around you he's not as shy. You bring him out of his shell, he's able to be himself around you. He very gentle with you, always making sure you're okay. He's always making romantic gestures taking you on special dates and treating you like a princess. When you're alone cuddled up in bed, his larger body would encase yours. He would be protective like Ashton, he would softly kiss you mumbling words of affection. Because he's so quiet, you could just lay together in silence and not say anything for ages. He also has a side that no one knows about and it comes out in the bedroom

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