68-You hit him in the groin

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Ashton- You two were play fighting and he pinned you to the ground you went to flip you guys over and you felt your knee connect with something then Ashton falls he is taking deeep breaths you can't help but laugh and he groans rolling off you . Laughing while getting up you go to get ice and put it in a bag you stick down his pants.

Michael- He is tickling you and you are kicking him away then you kick him in the groin he falls to his knees holding his balls you laugh and grab a bag of peas passing the bag to him he lays on the ground holding it .

Calum- You are sitting in bed next to Calum who is asleep you hear a noise downstairs and hit Calum to wake him up apparently you hit him in the balls because he gasp as he wakes he looks at and says " What " you say " there is someone downstairs " he gets up and grabs a bat and walks downstairs and comes back a few minutes later with Michael .

Luke- You are sitting on the couch when Luke sits down you put feet on his lap forgetting about your cast his eyes widen and you feel bad you scoot over to him and say " Is there anything I can do to help ? " he gets a mischievous look on his face . He says " You know it's been a few months " you look at him with the same look .

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