87-He Finds Out You're Ticklish

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Ashton- You are sitting on the couch next to Ashton he has his arm around you and is talking to Luke .Ashton make a gesture with his hand and it brushes against your side causing you to squirm he looks at you and says " Seems like someone is ticklish " you shake your head no but then he runs his fingers down your side which causes you to try and squirm away from him as you let a laugh slip .

Michael- You look as Michael kisses your side then all of the sudden you start to laugh he looks at you and you say " I may be ticklish " he smiles and starts to tickle you . His rough finger tips run up and down your sides as laughs fall from you lips .

Calum- You are having an argument with Calum about whether you are ticklish or not . He says " Y/n I know you're ticklish " he then begins to tickle your sides and stomach . You laugh and try to get away but it doesn't work out that way because he pulls you to his chest .

Luke- You guys are fourteen and sitting on the black couch at your house playing guitar together. Luke sets his guitar down and helps you with a note his fingers move against your hand and then up your arm you squirm and he looks at you then he runs his hands down your side causing you to laugh . He smiles and starts to tickle you as you put your guitar on the ground to try and fight him away . You start to tickle him which causes him to stop tickling you . You two look at each other and start to lean your lips connect and then you pull away . You both sit on opposite sides of the couch and then say " That was awkward but it felt kind of good " at the same time.

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