102- Bonus

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A/N  So I was reading something and I figured I would give you guys a treat.  Even though I finished this book a year ago, I wanted to give you guys something.  The boys POV.  Will include actual names and descriptions.

Ashton-  I walked into the room I shared with Cora, keyword shared.  It has been a year since the hate got to be too much and the best thing to ever happen to me was suddenly gone she took over a hundred pain pills and sleeping pills.  When I found her she was gone the paramedics did everything they could but the light in my life was gone.  I walk over to the box that sits in our closet the soft material of her clothes runs over my hand, the smell of her fabric softener filling me with happiness and pain.  I open up the brown box and on top of the pile is a picture of her with Liliane the day she was born the two year old looks just like Cora with brown hair and green eyes.  The next thing I pull out is a picture of when I asked her to marry me, then a picture of me her and her cousin Niall, then her and One Direction, a picture of the five of us as a family I am holding a two year old Amara and one year old Oliver as they look at their baby sister, a picture from our wedding day, and a picture of the day we met.  Then I pull out a necklace that I gave her two weeks before it happened.  I let out a sob stiffening when I feel a tiny hand on my back I turn and see Amara her blue eyes show concern she says "Don't cry daddy I miss mummy too." I hug the little girl stroking her dirty blonde hair.  Despite my fight to hold them back the tears keep falling, not stopping for hours.

Michael- I look at Tatum and Landon they are seven and Melanie is three.  Delaney lays in the casket I catch Tatum looking down at his baby sister as she hugs him and Landon I hug the kids to me as I look at my beautiful wife who died protecting Tatum when there was a shooting at the cafe they were at.  I walk to her brothers, Beau has completely broken down I hug him and he says "I should have been there." I say "It wasn't your fault." he cries into my shoulder then Melanie runs over hugging his legs he wipes his tears as he picks her up.  I watch as her mom cries on the seat next to her casket we have all tried to comfort her but she pushes us away.  Luke's son Erik walks over and says "Uncle Michael I will help you protect Mellie." I can't help but feel slightly proud of the five year old boy.  I feel him hug me and I look over at Luke through his sadness I see a glimmer of pride in his son.

Calum- I stand next to Madeline as we look at Kaiden, William, and Carter our eight year old triplets and Amy our four old.  Madeline says "After a few months of talking your dad and I have decided that it would be best for us to get a divorce." I look at the toddler sitting on Kaiden's lap as she says "What does that mean?" I say "That means that mummy and daddy won't be married anymore." Carter looks mad he stands up and says "Why, everything was just going back to normal." everything changed after William was diagnosed with leukemia at six but he was officially cleared as cancer free eight months ago.  Carter's face is red with anger William says "Carter sit down." Madeline says "Carter come here." he walks over to her crying.  Kaiden and William hold back their tears as they watch their brother sob uncontrollably letting his pain, anger, and confusion out 

Luke- I look at the five kids Cullen and Dylan are eleven, Erik and Felix are nine, and Grace is eight.  I stand next to Gabriella she looks tired she spent all night crying.  I say kids sit down, they all look worried as they sit down, Gabriella says "Kids do you remember how we told you that I was pregnant?" they all nod and I say "Well the baby was sick in your mum's stomach and it died." Grace instantly hugs Gabi and she says "Mum I promise that I will help you no matter what." Gabi smiles slightly and Cullen says "We all will." The others nod all of them old enough to understand what is happening. 

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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