77-He Loves It When You....

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Ashton- He loves it when you are around kids because it shows how good you are with them and how you don't want anything to happen to them he also thinks it's cute to see you with Jason your little brother because Jason literally looks up to you , your his hero , his inspiration in life.

Michael- He loves it when you do everything in your power to make others feel good about themselves , one time you spent four hours talking a fan out of suicide and you succeeded she now feels more confident and you guys are best friends.

Calum- He loves it when you act childish because that's the real you you always act childish around people you are close with and mature around others so you are known for keeping the boys in order while in public so they don't get in trouble with management or the country you have saved their arses a few times and they always thank you for it because without you they would be in jail.

Luke- He loves it when you wear his clothes because they make you look so small and innocent the fans think that it's adorable when you wear his shirts or beanies and they can always tell because Luke will announce it to them but you don't mind , you always have some of his clothes so you can wear them if you are missing him more than usual while he is on tour.

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