Chapter Twenty - One

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Josephine was back at the bakery checking in on the men at Tommy's request, she was only meant briefly pop in to get an update from Alfie and Billy Kitchen and dip out but after their small meeting Alfie had offered her a cup of tea which sucked her in and now she was still sat in his office a couple of hours later, her conversation with Alfie pulling her off track and distracting her.

Their conversation was lighthearted and didn't really have any significance, they mostly talked about their childhoods and growing up but Josephine wasn't blind, she could tell that Alfie was flirting with her and while she had to admit that while he was a very good looking man and that he was charming and funny, the thought of dating a man after everything that happened to her with them over the past few years made her want to scream but a part of her didn't mind the idea of her flirting with him, convincing herself that it would just be harmless.

She thought she had everything with Tommy, they had been dating since they were young and have defeated many obstacles together, and Josephine was well aware of how the war affected Tommy but she had never thought that they would break up, especially in the fashion they did so and William was a chance to start again, a second chance where she could live a quiet and happy life but apparently

the universe didn't agree with her and now she didn't even want to imagine what would happen if she dated again.

"Josephine!" Alfie's call of her name pulled Josephine out of her thoughts.

"Sorry, lost in my thoughts" Josephine threw an embarrassed smile at Alfie, internally crying about how embarrassing it was to get caught out lost in her mind.

"Something on your mind, darlin'?"

"There always is Alfie" Josephine sent Alfie a smile and he threw back a grin causing her face to heat up.

Josephine let out a gasp as she glanced down at her watch, she had been with Alfie for nearly four hours and she was betting that Ada was worried sick about her since she was only meant to be gone for less than two.

"Problem?" Josephine looked up and found Alfie leaning slightly forward on his desk, a curious look on his face.

"I'm sorry Alfie but I've completely lost track of time! I need to go before it gets too late" Josephine thought she spotted a look of disappointment on Alfie's face but it was quickly wiped off.

"You're fine darlin', I should apologize for keeping you for so long" Alfie stood up and waited for her by the door so that he could walk her out.

"Don't apologise Alfie, it's my fault for losing track of time." They reached the street outside of the bakery and said their goodbyes and Josephine made her exit.

Josephine was met with the harsh glare of Ada Shelby when she stepped into the living room of the Ada's house. Her lips were twisted into a scowl and her brows were furrowed.

"I'm sorry Ada! I really am, it wasn't my intention to be out for so long" Josephine rushed out as soon as she saw Ada's mouth open, no doubt ready to give her a lecture.

"What kept you out for so long?" Ada's scowl slightly lifted but Josephine wasn't in the clear yet.

"I just lost track of time talking to Alfie Solomons, you know, the guy who's working with Tommy."

Ada sighed before walking over and pulling Josephine into a hug, "I'm sorry for being over the top but it's not the safest out there and I just want you to be safe"

Josephine returned the hug and tightened her grip around the younger girl, "I know, I'm sorry for worrying you."

Ada pulled away and sent Josephine a smile before leading her to the kitchen so they could get started on dinner.

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