Chapter Thirty-One

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Two days. Oh, why did she say two days.

Josephine was mentally beating herself up about what she said the day before but she knew it needed to be done. Hoping that Ada was still around, Josephine went over to Polly's house, hoping to get some perspective and advice.

Polly was the one who opened the door and she pulled Josephine into a hug.

"How are you feeling darling?" Polly led her into the living room where Ada was relaxing.

"How are you?" Ada asked before she could even reply to Polly.

"I'm fine, I just...gave everything a deadline." Josephine sat next to Ada.

"Deadline? What do you mean?" Polly asked

"I told them I'd give them an answer in two days."

"Two days?!" Ada exclaimed.

"I know but this is such a mentally exhausting situation and I want it to be over."

"Aren't you afraid that you'll make a rash decision? Make the wrong choice?" Ada asked.

"Yes, but at the same time, I feel like there isn't an exact wrong choice. Both will make me happy and so I don't think there's a wrong choice, y'know."

"Here." Polly passed her a cup of herbal tea, "Drink this and I'll read the leaves."

Usually, Josephine was sceptical of things like that but at this point, she was willing to do anything that might help her make the right choices so she took the cup and took a gulp.

"Tommy gave the boys a bollocking last night," Ada told her.

"Good." Josephine scowled, still annoyed. "Tommy shouldn't have told them anything in the first place."

"Their fierce loyalty to each other makes them do stupid things." Polly rolled her eyes at the nephew's behaviour.

When she finished her tea, she passed the cup back to Polly for her to read and eagerly watched her expression but all Polly did was raise an eyebrow and make a curious sound.

"What? What do you see?" Josephine asked.

"Lay down on sofa-- Ada shoo," Polly instructed her.

Ada huffed in annoyance but moved away, allowing Josephine to lay down on the sofa.

"Close your eyes and relax. I'm gonna ask you some questions."

Josephine looked at Polly with doubt but did it anyway. Relaxing and taking a deep breath.

"Imagine yourself in the future, what do you see for yourself?" Polly asked

"I have a family. I'm happy and content."

"How many children do you want?"

"One. Perhaps two, I don't really know."

"Where do you live?" Polly's voice was gentle and calming.

"Somewhere in the countryside. Large fields and open spaces. We live in an old cottage that's isolated, it's not massive but it's large enough so that if family want to visit, we'll have enough space."

"Josephine, I want you to imagine yourself in ten years time."

Josephine nodded, "Okay."

"Who's next to you?"

"Tommy." Josephine gasps, her eyes flying open as she looks at Polly and Ada in shock. "I imagine myself with Tommy."

Josephine sits up, her hands over her mouth in shock as she looked at the women in front of her. Polly had a small smile on her face, while she never outright said it, she wanted Josephine to pick Tommy. Ada, on the other hand, was conflicted, she knew she should support her brother and be glad that Josephine has basically made her decision but a part of her really wanted her to pick William so that she could have a nice life away from the craziness that was the Shelby family.

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