Chapter Nine

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A bit of a short one but the next chapter should be better

Tommy went to visit John, planning on telling him what had gone down with Lizzie, and found him polishing the car.

"Tommy. I need a favour, I want to borrow the car. I want to take Lizzie to the country with the kids. We're going to celebrate getting the license" John said to Tommy once he had noticed him walking in.

"Not a problem, John." Tommy harshly swallowed.

"I'll need the keys."

Tommy paused before he spoke again, feeling a bit of guilt about what he had done, "Look, John, you're my brother. There's something I have to tell you. Yesterday, on the front seat of that car, I offered Lizzie some money and John? She said, 'yes.' Now that's a fact. You do with it what you want. Take the keys and take Lizzie to country, marry her if you want. But you have to know, she said 'yes.'

John paused for a moment, the fact that Tommy had done that to him, momentarily pushed aside by the prospect of Tommy cheating on Josephine,

"You cheated on Josephine?!"

"What? No. I didn't sleep with Lizzie, John. I just wanted to see if she would sleep with me, your brother and she did. I did this for you John."

John quickly stormed off after that, overwhelmed with emotions.


Josephine walked with Polly and Ada to where John was getting married, they stopped next to Tommy with Josephine moving to stand next to Polly, furthest away from Tommy, still annoyed from their previous arguments. Josephine cheered and clapped but was her mind was elsewhere which must of shown on her face because it didn't take long for Polly to notice,

"What's wrong?" She asked the young girl, pulling her to the side whilst the celebrations went on around them.

"Nothing." Josephine said, brushing her off but at the look Polly sent her, she knew what wasn't the answer she was looking for, "I'll tell you later, don't want to ruin the evening." and whilst Polly wanted to know more, she knew that pushing Josephine for answers wouldn't help.

The pair of them sat in silence, watching as everyone partied on before the sound of Ada going wild caught their attention, Polly sat up and made her way to where Tommy was sitting and Josephine followed her, curious about what was about to happen,

"Tell Ada to slow down." Polly told her nephew.

"You think she'll listen to me?" He scoffed back at her

"I tried to stop her but she's been drinking, she's been stuck in that basement for weeks. What do you expect? She's going off like a firecracker."

"Oh Christ, Tommy, please." Josephine spoke up this time, her eyes still on Ada and watched as her brother tried to calm her down as she started screaming and shouting, making a scene.

"Enough now."

"Come on."


"All right, Ada, come on, have a rest, sit down."

"Come and look, Esme. Come and look at the family you've joined." Ada was shouting now, "Come and look at the man who runs it.Chooses his brother's wives for them.He hunts his own sister down like a rat and he tries to kill his own brother-in-law! Ada, that's enough.And now he won't even let me have a fucking dance! Not even at a fucking wedding!"

"Sit her down." Josephine had wondered over at that point

"Calm down, Ada."

"Ada, calm down."

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