Chapter Eight

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Tommy had only been in his office for one minute before his aunt had come storming in. His office door had slammed the wall with a loud bang as it was pushed open and was closed with an equally loud bang as Polly flung it shut once she had stepped in.

"I heard something really interesting from Jonas this morning. Would you like to know what he said, Thomas?" Polly's question was rhetorical.

Tommy heaved a sigh before getting up and pouring himself a drink, he didn't care what time it currently was, as he knew that he needed something strong to get through this conversation with his aunt.

"Jonas said that our Josey came knocking at his door late last night in tears. He says that Josephine was distraught. Now, what are you not telling me Thomas?" Polly jumped straight to it, not wanting to waste time.

"I don't know what her problem is Pol, she was in a huff all day yesterday, acting like a brat in front of Grace and then had a hissyfit once we got home" Tommy told her his version of events, lighting himself a cigarette midway through.

"Grace was there?" This was news to Polly, "You took the barmaid to the races along with your fiance?" Tommy didn't understand why his aunt was using that tone of voice or giving him an incredulous look.


"Men." Polly scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "Don't get comfortable, John's in the Garrison. He says he wants a meeting about a family matter. After he's said his piece, he'll come back and take his place with Scudboat."

Tommy stood up and the pair of them made their way out of the betting den, "Scudboat? John will be here in ten minutes." Polly told the man.

"Five." Tommy corrected.

"You better fix it with Josey before it's too late." Polly told Tommy as they made their way to the Garrison.

"There's nothing to fix Pol." Tommy rolled his eyes at his aunt.

Making their way into the snug, they realised that everyone was waiting for them, including Josephine who sat next to Arthur, and didn't even spare Tommy a look and if Tommy had to guess, he would guess that she was purposely ignoring him.

"All right John, there's only one man -no, there's only one man guarding the house. What's troubling ya?" Tommy walked around the snug, declining Arthur's offer of alcohol mid sentence.

John cleared his throat before speaking, "Polly, Josey, you know what it's been like, since Martha died."

"God takes the best first" Polly reached over and comforted John. Josephine shot John a sympathetic look and nodded at Polly's words.

"Truth is, my kids have been running bloody rings around me. Running barefoot with the dogs until all hours"

"Pol, give him ten bob for some shoes. Is that it, John?" Tommy obviously wasn't in the mood.

Josephine made a sound of disapproval at Tommy, "Tommy, it would be better to do this without you!." She snapped at him before facing John "Why didn't ya say anything? I would of helped, probably could of got your eldests to do some errands for papa."

"Now what's your point?" Polly asked John

"What the kids need is a mother. So that's why I'm getting married." John looked down, avoiding everyone's gazes but they were too busy sharing looks with each other rather than looking at John.

"Does this poor girl know you're going to marry her, or are you going to spring it on her all of a sudden?" Polly asked her nephew.

"I already proposed and she said, 'yes'." Josephine's mouth was open in shock at John's words.

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